(Ed: People mill about the sprawling camp, itching for a foolhardy mission.)
Katharina stifles a small chuckle, reaching up to uncinch the bun. "There isn't many who could say that, Scott. Course, I know of few who would as well."
Victoria says "That too. It insults my sense of aesthetics," she jokes. And waves to Kath "Come join us for a moment, you've been working a lot. Want some coffee you two?"
Scott says, "I'd love some." He rises and kisses Katharina on the cheek in greeting. He'd been gone for most of the day, after all. "What's been going on around here?"
Victoria reaches into her satchel, filled with bottles and scrolls. "Hmm." she finds some coffee, then uses the water and cups resting around fire.
"Is it the camp style?" Kat asks while grinning up to Scott, returning a kiss of her own to his other cheek. "So did you find anything else, love?" The later is offered in a lower whisper.
Scott lowers his voice. "I found a couple of people who didn't make the evacuation. They were already dead."
Victoria offers the cups to them "A couple is not a very big number, considering."
Katharina grimaces, offering a reassuring pat to his arm. "Why don't we try some of that coffee? Surely it can be as bad as the tea we had in Cibola." She nods to Victoria. "True."
Scott shrugs as he takes the coffee. "It'll be a lot more than that before it's all over."
Celeste emerges from her tent eying the cape she was delivered, "Petrus has a twisted sense of human." she mutters-despite this she actually dawns it. She spies Scott, KAtharina, and Victoria, "Good afternoon, Commanders, Victoria."
Victoria says "It will be lot less than if this hasn't started at all, Scott." she looks up at Celeste and finds another cup "Coffee? And duh."
The hooded wizard in black is seen a distance off, approaching the others. At least, it's /probably/ Kynan. But something's a bit odd from this distance--it's almost looks like he has a second head. Or something.
Katharina nods, accepting of the coffee. "Good day, Lady Dragon. Has there been news?" She asks with a stolen glance up to Scott.
Celeste frowns, "The reports I have assure me there have been minimal civilian deaths. A few here or there due to looting, robberies, and the like. A few have been cut down that have posed a threat to those attempting to keep things orderly. All within acceptable losses."
Scott murmurs. "Acceptable losses." He then sips his coffee quietly.
Katharina shifts just enough to rest a hand lightly over Scott's, nodding at the report. "War is never pretty," she replies more to her companion.
Victoria has no issue with acceptable losses, it appears as she merely gives Celeste coffee cheerfuly.
Kynan gets closer, and it's now somewhat obvious that he has a raven sitting on his shoulder. It caws and chatters every now and then.
Victoria's husky pads up to meet Kynan and sniff at his birdie.
Scott looks up at the bird, then over to Kynan. He looks at Celeste. "So what's our next move?"
"A pet?" Kat seems willing to ask the question that comes to mind, hushing at Scott's question.
Celeste accepts the coffee and studies Scott, "Einkil approached me with some concerns as well. I apologize if I understated how grim some of the tasks would be." she rolls her head and her neck pops with a loud report, "Investigating Commander Urso's report. I'm awaiting a final report, it is safe bet I will be taking volunteers to command a strike force, if the report confirms his estimations this situation has won first prize as our top priority. This threat is somehow converting hundreds, and in a few days, thousands of enemies to bolster their numbers." She eyes Kynan, "Creepy." she declares absently/
Scott says. "Then I volunteer."
Victoria says "I think it rather suits him. Fits his dark charm."
Kynan is heard to say softly, "I know there is a lot of food over there, but I would stay away. It is not good for you." Then he turns his attention to the others. "Good day, all." SHaking his head towards Katharina, he adds. "No, just a recent acquintance."
Katharina nods, grimacing at hearing Scott's words. "How many will you need? Do we know yet what all we will be up against?"
Celeste eyes Kynan, "Do I need to be concerned with...uh...the company you keep, Kynan? Eyes and ears and all that?"
Celeste looks to Katharina, "That is the report I'm awaiting. I've got The sixty second and seventy third mounted hussars geared and ready to deploy on a moments notice, if we need more than that it's not an attack we'll be handling today."
Kynan shakes his head at Celeste. "He is not a servant. And he does not speak the language, at least." The bird caws, and he turns to it. "Yes, yes, I /did/ just tell them that." He turns back. "The Road is certainly up to something. Marshalling its strength at the moment, but it feels like it will be ready soon. For what, I do not know."
Victoria says "Jolly."
Celeste frowns, "I've got to confirm numbers before I send a force to investigate and strike. Did you get any specifics, if the road was so chatty?"
Scott sighs. "Which means more waiting while the Road continues to gather it's strength." He doesn't sound happy about that.
Kynan shakes his head. "Unfortunately, my friend here is easier to understand than the Road. However, I get the feeling of confidence from it." He turns aside to the raven as it chatters something. "Why, thank you."
"I am sure that we will be moving as soon as we know it won't cost more lives." Kat replies quietly to Scott and smiles reassuringly.
Celeste's eyes swivel to Scott and her eyes narrow, "Hierophant, any chance you could give me a foot up? About oh...yay high?" She holds her hands above the ground about four feet from the ground.
Kynan nods, and he chants a few words in a strange, unintelligible language, pointing his staff towards the ground. A stream of water flows out, but instead of spreading, it seems to fill out the shape of a rectangle, about a foot high as requested with a notch taken out as a step. Then it seems to freeze solid. Another chant, and a spray of sand coats the top. "Will that suffice, Dragon... Generalissimo?"
Victoria gazes at the magic like a child "Wow."
Celeste grins broadly, very pleased, "You have to be one of the handiest sorts I've met. Very much obliged, Hierophant." She whistles and taps her foot lightly, "Get your tail up here, Ranger Scott, please."
Celeste hauls herself up first.
Scott rises to his feet and then proceeds to walk up to where Celeste was.
Katharina watches for a moment, before stepping back to return the roll of fabric to her pouch.
Celeste stoops to offer a hand to help haul Scott up beside her, ignoring the turning of attention there way by soldiers going about their business. From the added vantage they can turn and see tents in nearly every which direction as far as the eye can see, so far that smoke from campfires is barely visible and the tents seem to blend together in a distant blur, "Any idea how many there are?" she wonders conversationally.
Victoria sips "I presume that our little gathering will arouse their need for sudden reinforcing of their numbers."
Scott looks around in several directions. He shakes his head. "No. No idea. Few thousand, I would guess."
Celeste says, "Thousands." She looks to Scott, "I am accountable to every. Single. One. Their families, and all of Monevalno at the moment. As you are now responsible for all those I have entrusted to your command. Any widows your actions make, you will break the news yourself. So. Unless you feel like informing the change in status to wives now made widows, let's not suppose your impatience vetos even a single of the lives in either your, or my command." She gestures to him that he's free to rejoin the others, "Kynan, how agreeable are you to accompanying the strike force?"
Victoria watches while sipping her coffee, petting Cesar who returned to her side after curious sniff out of the water cube.
Kynan bows his head towards Celeste. "If I may be of service, I will go."
Scott holds up a hand to Celeste. "I respect your command. And no, I don't want to see any of your troops die. But you brought me here to fight. Not gossip around a campfire." He says irritably as he leaps down off the block.
Celeste says, "You may be of service but is most likely to be quite dangerous. I am accepting volunteers only. Scott has the honor of being first command in aside from the Hussars who I'm not giving a choice. It's about time they earned their keep. You may opt out." She looks to Victoria and KAtharina, "As well as you two, Katharina and Victoria. I am asking for your help but in this case I'm not going to command you to put your rears on the line." One of Urso's scouts comes tearing through the camp, a few straggling companions following further behind. Celeste hops from her soapbox-er...icecube and strides the way. The man looks harried and is bleeding steadily and wheezes, "Report, Generalissimo."
Alekera has connected.
Victoria says "I'm in, but I'm hardly of use in open battle."
Celeste steers The man towards Katharina, "Commander Katharina, Would you please see to Lieutenant Lefat while he's briefing?" seems Celeste might not be willing to command troops blindly, but nor is she going to let the scout go to the infirmary before she gets her report. She gestures to her aide, "Send the others to the infirmary." she calls before guiding the officer to a place to sit.
Katharina snaps to attention, unhitching the satchel that is tucked against her hips. She steps forward to slide a supporting arm around the Lieutenant and help to guide them to a seat while she flicks the satchel open with the other. Her medic kit it would seem.
The man looks as if he's been attacked by something with sharp talons, bearing evidence of scratches, and small hunks of flesh pecked out, cuts to his head seem to be the source of most of the blood, "We have the location, Commander Urso's report has been confirmed. There are hundreds. They're...making...more..." he shutters and leans forward to spit as if fighting the urge to retched. Celeste looks unsympathetic, "Very good, Lieutenant. You can confirm the location?" He closes his head, "Yes, Generalissmo. They are using cover of a canyon..." he continues to rattle on details including possible access points- a chance to take high ground and trap the enemy, "..Just as Urso said."
Katharina doesn't stop the man's report, but pulls out a towel, and her flask to wet the later. She looks past to Celeste at the words and grimaces. "The crow creatures?" She interjects and begins to clear away the blood to have a better look. "Victoria, can you see to the thread and needle. Just pour some alcohol over them before taking them out. Dont' worry, I have more." She says and keeps her voice low rather than to overshadow the man.
Scott paces back and forth like some sort of caged animal while the guy gives his report. He sniffs a few times before he rumbles. "I can smell them on him." He informs Katharina.
Victoria has it in the satchel. Serminian never travels without her fashion SOS's and the alcohol. She provides.
Celeste looks up to her aid and whistles, gestures, "Have the Hussars mount up and wait north side of camp. We're leaving very shortly. Commander Theophrastus is in charge until I'm gone. Commander Urso has volunteered to Command the Hussars, "Katharina, once you are finished round up a few volunteers from your medics. Commander Scott-round up your team."
Victoria looks up at Celeste and listens.
Scott nods once to Celeste and then goes around the camp, rousing up his team. That excited look has come back into his eyes again.
Katharina nods and flashes a quick smile towards Victoria in thanks. She uses the alcohol in the not-most-gentlest of disinfecting, but while he is recovering she begins to see to the stitching.
The man twitches and ows, "IS that liquid fire? Blazes, M'lady!"
Celeste takes off her cape and stows it in her tent-there's no hide nor hair of Einkil-and Celeste's not asked where he is. She returns, wearing a few more weapons but no armor.
Katharina smiles easily. "You're going to be alright," she promises without commenting on the fire part. She dips the needle into a jar of a dark unguent before continuing to stitch the man up.
Theophrastus enters from Dealing With Recalcitrant Villagers.
Theophrastus has arrived.
There's a tattered and bleeding scout being patched up by Katharina, while Scott and Commander Urso prepare their troops to mobilize. The fact that Celeste is (mostly) only accepting volunteers has the camp awash in speculation. The fact she is going personally? That's when crowds start gathering to see what's going on, which suggests that Celeste is not typically a front lines sort of Generalissimo.
Alekera remains with Kynan, watching the goings on and listening.
Theophrastus returns to the camp, smelling of smoke. He is alone, and unspeaking.
Victoria studies the gathering crowd and grins.
Celeste looks to Theo and frowns gently. There might be a question or two but she keeps Silent, "Sir Theophrastus, You have a cousin. Mind the camp or assist in mounting an exceptionally aggressive, " which might mean costly, "..engagement against a pressing threat against the allied armies?"
Katharina looks up from where she is doctoring the man, pausing for only a moment. She dips the needle into the unguent and returns to stitching closed a rather nasty looking wound.
Celeste looks to Theo and frowns gently. There might be a question or two but she keeps Silent, "Sir Theophrastus, You have a choice. Mind the camp or assist in mounting an exceptionally aggressive, " which might mean costly, "..engagement against a pressing threat against the allied armies?"
Theophrastus says, "I have very little taste for garrison duty, Commander."
Celeste says, "Then tend what you need to, take a team-if you like- We're leaving very shortly."
Victoria sips her coffee by the fire, idly petting her huge dog.
Kynan notes the increasing activity of the camp, and turns to the bird on his shoulder. "You had better be off, I am going to be busy for quite some time. And be careful out there." It caws, then takes wing to the sky. He follows it for a moment, then turns to Alekera. "Let's find out where we can be useful." He approaches Celeste, and asks, "Where would you like us to be?"
Theophrastus says, "I've done what needs doing. You will find the towns cleared, the refugees en route to safe lands."
Celeste nods once to Theo, "I knew I could count on you, Cousin. Thank you." Her tone sincere. She paces slightly, seemingly now impatient as Scott was previously.
Scott returns with his team in tow. "We're ready."
Victoria says "Well, good luck. Kick some ass."
The man nods to Katharina, "Thank you, M'lady." As he's patched up.
Katharina steps back to see about reorganizing her satchel while keeping a watchful eye on the others.
Alekera continues to stand quietly by Kynan's side. Awaiting to see where they might be of most use.
John has connected.
There's a quick briefing which in summary states: They are approaching an enemy which has the advantage of cover and whose exact numbers cannot be confirmed, which explains why Celeste herself comes along. The enemy is tucked away in a small canyon which is how they managed to avoid notice until presenting themselves actively as a problem. Celeste briefly detailed that there are a handful of washes into the canyon which is how they will infiltrate and strike. Scott and Katharina are assigned a wash. Celeste assigns herself and the hussars a wash, and Commander Urso - the lynch pin in this attack - will be striking from a wash inbetween Scott and Celeste's entrances, making it possible to divide and slice through the enemy without winding up with any one team in danger of being overwhelmed by the enemy. Should Theo opt to take men to command his are brought along with Celeste's numbers. As they approach through the wash, they can see large winged figures above, but the occasionally narrow and always shaded depths of the wash leading into the canyon seems to conceals each of the three forces as the approach the enemy's heart.
(Ed: Some additional background is provided over OOC: The canyon in question is roughly 5 miles into the tainted forested region. The strike force is small, and are mostly on foot. The vegetation in the forest, while occasionally offensive, is not nasty enough to discourage an incursion; fauna are the real threat.)
Our Commanders are separated. Theo keeping an eye on things, Scott and Katharina seen only the evidence of eons of erosion from summer storms, though currently there's only a tiny trickle of water underfoot. The dark shadows give way to a widening as the stone walls on either side open up to reveal the Canyon. Kynan and ALekera are kept in the center of Celeste's group alongside Celeste herself. They too, approach the entrance into the Canyon-just beyond for both teams...if the reports are right, will be a vast number of enemies and the hear of the road's 'recruiting' center.
The lead scouts can immediately see that the reports appear to be true - winged forms occasionally flit from place to place inside the canyon. There seems to be one arm of the canyon from which the forms originate; as luck would have it, there is no outward sign that the bird-men have seen the interlopers as yet. The canyon is narrow at some points, wide at others, and there looks to be ample amounts of obstacles to take for cover on the approach, and potentially to use as cover from swooping forms. But one thing is clear: the number of birdmen is larger than anticipated. The birdmen themselves seem to be mostly milling about under an open sky, though there is a bit of a cave behind their main mass.
Petrus is moving along with Katharina and Scott's force, looking rather dashing in his purple cape and dark chain armor. With him are 24 Alacian Port City Elites, a squad of elite Serminian footmen, complete with squad leader to direct them. Petrus doesn't even try to interfere with them.
Katharina carries her bow, rather than its usual roost upon her shoulder. The quiver opened shortly after this as well. She moves among the men, keeping her gaze partially skyward towards the milling shapes.
Captain Redhand is on point for Celeste's force, looking mostly up at the bird-men. He's dressed in his usual, shabby attire and stands out from the regular soldiers; a shabby scout, or something. As surely most of the rest of the force is doing as well. He suddenly freezes in his tracks, signaling for the others to halt. He considers the situation for only a moment. "What a wonderful place for a trap." he mutters, half to himself. Quick hand signals are given to the rest of the force: take cover! And John leads the way... the entire force using the nearby obstacles to melt into the landscape. Weapons are quietly drawn, and they wait.
Celeste allows John to take point, she doesn't micromanage and so lets him take her place as squad commander. One can immediately see why Celeste chose these entrances-they came included with cover and they can all see each other. Once everyone is confirmed to have reached the canyon-the red flag signifying the command to attack is waived by Celeste for the other Commanders to see.
The Alacian Port City Elites over by Scott and Katharina's prong are on the go the moment they sight the red flag to commence the attack! 24 brave, young, well disciplined lads and their bold commander charge forward with all appropriate stealth, darting their way through obstacles in an attempt to buy precious seconds of stealth on the approach. Petrus is a bit slower on the uptake, and trails them by twenty feet or so.
Katharina readies her bow, while other men under her command do the same. She holds the shot, taking careful aim and wary of not wanting to spoil the surprise of others. She remarks to a smaller group of the men, who draw weapons to follow up on the charge.
Alekera takes up a position that keeps herself between Kynan and any immediate response to the attack. Yet at the same time she gives both she and he plenty of room to maneuver. She is clearly ready to fight but does nothing to disrupt the element of surprise.
RPG: John declares that he has the Danger Sense (SKL-DS) gift.
The third Command-the one Commanded by Scott and his Montevalnan field commander, is not so restrained. They pour out of the wash and duck to claim cover but aggressively charge the nearest foes. Within the canyon one can see a gruesome menagerie of men and animals, corpses all being stitched together. Somehow the Butcher's shop has become a place of unnatural life and the floor of the Canyon is swarming. Commander Urso and his men rushes out when Katharina and Scott's forces do, which forces Celeste to pick up the pace though despite her displeasure at the rushed attack, John is left as Team Command while Celeste watches each peice as the whole.
Kynan begins to murmur softly, the crystal of his staff starting to glow with a white light. A breeze begins to kick up, gentle here as the air is being sucked in from all directions. But as it concentrates into the canyon, beyond the enemies at the front being attacked by Celeste's forces, it grows stronger in force. Those in the rear begin to be blasted by a gale.
John holds his forces back as the others rush in, concealed and ready. Whether as reserve counterstrike or covering a potential escape route, he knows the wisdom of concealing your full strength from the enemy.
Celeste says, "John, Move forward, if we don't strike we could be cut off from the others!"
Theophrastus is concealing his full strength, or indeed any strength. He may even be above the canyons, it's been so long since his gaunt form's been seen amongst the forces.
The Captain rises, muttering a casual string of obscenities as he draws his sword. Raising it high, the rest of the force slips out of their hiding as well and they advance into the canyon en masse.
Celeste will have folks challenge next round, for now you more or less seem to have caught the enemy unawares.
Celeste says, "So the advantage is yours without question"
Arrows fly from the group of archers. No sooner is the first released that many reach in unison for a second shaft. Kat keeps her gaze and directions more to the outliers than hazarding skewering a friendly.
Petrus and the Serminian footmen rush to meet the bird-men on the ground! Crow-like caws of alarm go up as they close, but they join the battle more or less under surprise conditions, swords rending into foes, crossbows coming to bear against some that try to take to the air! Petrus himself severs a massive wing from a grisly looking former villager, crying, "Lo, for your doom has come!"
Kynan continues to chant his Words, and it sends the crow-men in the rear sprawling, tumbling along the ground and scraping against the walls. Hopefully, it will be a little while before they can reinforce their front line.
Celeste urges her men forward behind John, making sure the point is reinforced and well covered, The Commanders to cut through the foes, claiming ground and a number of enemy lives as they move across the floor of the canyon to converge-just as outlined in tactical briefing.
As Redhand's infantry advances, the archers set a line and begin sending volleys of arrows ahead of the pikemen. Swordsmen intersperse between pikes and cover flanks, with the Captain right up front between a pair of footmen. They advance, with the intent of crushing -through- the ground forces as far as they can press.
Alekera mummers in some arcane language. In her hand are several darts of sharpened stone, retrieved from a pouch at her side. She aims them at a crow-man that has managed to take to the air. She then seems to hurl the darts at same time and at an incredible speed towards the crow man.
From the sky, a shrill, piercing sound, reminiscent of an eagle; dark forms plummet from behind low clouds, dozens of armed and armored bird-men!
Petrus says, "If you've got Danger Sense, you are in a position to avoid heavy casualties among those in your force from the dive-bomb attack of the plummeting bird-men."
Katharina has it!
Celeste says, "Ok, now we challenge. Those who are commanding challenge for the success of your teams, those fighting solo, challenge to see how many baddies you kill. Those fighting solo challenge 8 to succeed and 10 to be awesome."
(Ed: There's some miscommunication here about posing your own results, which causes Katharine and Kynan's displays of awesome to go unnoted for a little bit. Imagine lots of dead things falling from the sky, ahead.)
RPG: Katharina challenges a difficulty of 9, using her Wits and the gifts SKL-DS STY-RG. Katharina succeeds.
Urso's men have cut through enemies inbetween Celeste and the other commanders and inexplicably the attacks turn as they divide-and the enemy surges through their ranks attacking their allied commanders. Urso proves himself not only a sullen bastard, but a traitor.
RPG: Celeste challenges a difficulty of 10, using her Wits and SKL-MC. Celeste succeeds.
RPG: Kynan challenges a difficulty of 10, using his Wits and ARC-BA. Kynan succeeds.
RPG: Alekera challenges a difficulty of 10, using her Grace and FGT-FD. Alekera succeeds.
RPG: Petrus challenges a difficulty of 10, using his Wits and SKL-WM. Petrus fails.
"Cover," Kat barks out to the archers that still stand with her. The group releases another barrage of arrows before diving for cover. The woman the last to join as she calls out. "Incoming!" She has a diaphragm and isn't afraid to use it.
(Ed: Katharina meant to yell out 'Fire!' in this pose, as well.)
RPG: John challenges a difficulty of 10, using his Grace and the gifts SKL-CE SKL-DS. John succeeds.
Celeste lifts her chin and trumpets, "RESERVE!" with inhuman volume even as the ranks begin to close about her and Kynan, shrinking as they-as well as the other commanders are rapidly surrounded. She has been quiet up til now and suddenly begins to spout commands loudly, "Commanders! Fallback and fight along the wall, Kynan, if you do Miracles now would be the time! FALL BACK AND CONVERGE AT THE WALLS!" There is is a slight series of staggered overhangs eroded into the edge of the canyon, making this something of limited cover against aerial attacks, not to mention that they can hope to join forces rather than remain as they are now: dangerously divided.
RPG: Celeste declares that she has the Breath of the Dragon (DRG-BD) gift. Use ' gift DRG-BD' to view the gift description.
Petrus wades in, striking bird-men toe-to-toe with his men, but the one thing he doesn't expect, despite the timely warning from Katharina, is a bird-man to swoop in from the side. Petrus gets grabbed by a passing flier, and the impact sends him flying a solid twenty feet in the air before rolling heavily into the canyon walls. He's certainly broken ribs. He's clear of the fray, weaponless, and trying hard to rise from his knees.
John looks up a moment before bird-men begin to dive. Orders are given, calm and clear over the din of battle. His formation expands rapidly, making it difficult for the diving bird-men to converge on groups. More orders follow, and as the group melts back beneath the overhang, the Captain holds the rear with the swordsmen. When Urso shifts allegiences, Redhand's swordsmen are planted firm and ready.
The bird-men's surprise swoop-in claims only a few lives among John and Katharina's wings - and, predictably, not a one descends on Urso's 'attack' wing! Still, though they failed to net the mass devastation they had hoped for, they continue to harry the interlopers, particularly the ones who are engaged with the main force of bird-men.
Urso bellows, "I SHOULD HAVE BEEN GENERALISSIMO! YOU AMBER-WHORE! Montevalno will be /MINE!/" he's all but frothing at the mouth with a mad gleam in his eye as men and abominations mingle in his ranks, surging forward and trying to separate Celeste and John's men from the others, "You will die begging to serve me, you insufferable wench!"
RPG: Consumed Kynan's token 'Flak!' for a 3 bonus.
RPG: Kynan challenges a difficulty of 10, using his Wits plus a 3-Focus token and ARC-BA. Kynan succeeds.
Kynan stands, planting his staff firmly into the ground. He murmurs loudly, and his staff glows with a bright yellow light. From above the heroes' position there is a buzzing sound, growing louder in volume by the moment. Then suddenly, every loose pebble along the canyon walls comes loose, and flies up at the swooping bird-men with a crack of sound like a whip.
Alekera growls and brings her blade to bear as the fight is brought to Celeste's group. Her intention is clear, keep them off of Kynan, freeing him up to do his magic workings.
It may have been the Amber-Whore comment, one can never tell. But another such Amberite steps out from cover with the rest of the archers she commands. Two keep their eyes skyward while the others take aim and shoot. Arrows fly a second time. The archers waiting to see the shots land and they're headed back to cover.
John's archers regroup in a cluster beneath one of the overhangs, firing volleys at diving bird-men who are trying to rise to the heights once more. The swordsmen hold their ground against the surge, the Captain's blade a blur. As they fight, he declares casually to the men he's leading "I want that loud-mouthed-whore's-son...." And from there it fades into a wide variety of obscenities.
RPG: Theophrastus challenges a difficulty of 10, using his Resolve and DRG-BS. Theophrastus succeeds.
Petrus promptly vomits, after finding his feet. Another bird man swoops at him moments later, and they're down on the ground wrestling for a few moments before Petrus manages to pull a knife and gut the bird-man assaulting him. And then Petrus is once again struggling to return to his feet.
A new shape takes to the sky, launching directly into the swarming flock of bird-men. Larger than they are, but equally black, scales and membranous wings and eye-searing white flame roaring out to carve out paths of scorched feathers and falling, burning abominations.
Celeste growls and falls back, making sure Kynan and Alekera are guard but she herself falls back and commands space around her. There's suddenly the snapping of tendons and crunching of bone as she rapidly expands to several times her usual size, rapidly growing. The men around her-still under John's command-wisely step out of her way as blades flash and hollers carry, moving like an extension of John's will while Celeste herself lifts her dragon's maw and ROARS in rage and challenge, the sound loud enough it seems to echo over the battle off the walls of the cavern. With less than a General's common sense she breaks rank and plows into the ranks of Urso's men, tail lashing, talons swiping, maw snapping, seeming to be intent on working her way towards Urso. She spots the larger shadow and trumpets to the fearsome form of firey death-this new face is no foe.
RPG: Celeste declares that she has the Dragon Form (DRG-DF) gift. Use ' gift DRG-DF' to view the gift description.
Urso is beyond reason, his men-Some of them not as insane as he is, begin to try to surrender to John's men, or those in Katharina's command. Slowly-Urso finds himself exposed and his men plucked off-despite having had every advantage in setting, treachery, and unholy minions-His men are being turned to pin cushions by Katharina and her arches, They fall like blades of grass under a mower before John's commanding and the bloody Blades of the Black Sheep. Kynan's battle prowess speaks of Pathi's rarely boasted might. Despite unthinkable odds-and heavy losses-the tides now turn in the Hero's favor-leaving the Butcher Shop and it's oddly oblivious workers still stitching up foes beyond.
RPG: Celeste challenges a difficulty of 10, using her Wits and DRG-BS. Celeste succeeds.
Kynan's spell catches the birdmen as they rose up, preparing swoop down again. The air up high is thick with shot, traveling faster than a sling, perhaps a bit slower than a rifle. A few of the enemy get torn to shreds in an instant, the rest drop, unable to continue flying with their injuries.
Alekera's icy golden blade cuts through black flesh and bone. Blood and icor freezing into droplets as the blade slices through a bird-man and a frozen chunk of flesh is left in the creatures midsection. With the grace and steps of a dancer she turns upon the next foe with similar results. At times her blade seems to even flow like water as she parries incoming attacks upon her personage.
The dragon in the air replies to Celeste's call, roaring loud enough to drive back a few of the crow-men near it. The dragon takes advantage of the confusion to snatch a few from the air - two in claws, one in jaws. The things that fall to the ground are considerably less pleasant.
(Ed: Celeste reminds everyone OOC that these circumstances don't really allow for the taking prisoners. Gotta slaughter 'em all!)
RPG: Alekera declares that she has the Alekera's Dragonblade (ITM-AD) gift. Use ' gift ITM-AD' to view the gift description.
Kat and crew see to another barrage of arrows, trying to clean up some of the flyers that still abound. There is less dodging for cover and more inching closer in to join the others.
Between the hailstorm of stone and arrows, the snapping jaws of dragons and gouts of doom, the surprise attack of birdmen has largely faltered. A few armored stragglers continue to hassle the attackers, but most of the bird-men taking to the air now are less well-equipped than the dive-bombing force. The bird-men on the ground, however, remain a formidable force, engaging both sides directly with extreme violence.
John doesn't hesitate, cutting down the first of Urso's surrendering forces. The swordsmen follow suit, their bloody work rapidly thinning their diminishing enemies. The Captain at the head, methodically cuts his way towards Urso.
Celeste makes her way to Urso who-still cursing her so emphatically his face is red and spittle flies from his lip-what's left of his men try to flee and the roadspawn fall back defensively to guard the Butcher-creators of the roadspawn's armies. Urso stops and stares at the Dragon, having enough sense to be afraid. Celeste rears so she towers over the man and roars a deafening outrage-but inexplicably turns and leaves-Leaving Urso to a unkind fate-John. She bellows in that dragon's roar voice, "Commanders! Kill the workers and retreat!" She herself moves that way, fighting with tail, talon, and tooth-not having the clearance to go airborne as her cousin.
The butchers are now lightly guarded, only a few dozens of roadspawn remaining to guard those who continue to methodically work, as if nothing were amiss. Six arms each they continue to stitch bodyparts together, and while disgusting-they are not armed. Except with a noxious stench that threatens to linger for days.
The black dragon in the sky heels, buffeting the air with its wings and hovering for a moment to reorient. Spying the butcher's workyard, it turns in that direction and ascends, until it is a mere speck in the sky. The speck gets larger, the dragon diving at speed.
The archers grow more emboldened. They step forward, letting arrows volley down among the remaining spawn. They work to try and clear a path for those going after the butchers.
The 24 Serminians working on Katharina's side have taken pretty heavy losses, but do a good job hacking away at the mass of crow-man flesh. It's pretty messy. They've gone through three commanders at this point, and are on their fourth.
John's men clear out the last of Urso's forces, leaving the traitorous commander to the tender mercy of the Pir- er... Captain. Redhand isn't one to play cat and mouse, but neither does he fight fair. Steel clashes, blades momentarily binding as the combatants close. And when they step back, Urso has John's dagger wedged into his armpit. The tall Captain returns the gaping, surprised look with a smirk, finishing the duel with a quick flourish that ends with his hilt rammed against Urso's chest, the rest of the blade protruding out the man's back. As Urso falls, Captain Redhand shows, perhaps, the reason for his namesake... both blade and fist covered in his late opponent's blood.
Petrus says, "And so begins House Urso's vendetta against Redhand..."
Kynan's major spell over, he pauses, leaning on his staff. He looks over the remaining battle, but holds any overt action, catching his breath.
The dragon diving down towards the workyard is wreathed in white flame, a veritable meteoric descent, the roar of superheated air audible over even the sounds of battle. Long wings snap out at the last second, and the dragon pulls up sharply - the fire, however, continues on, raining flame down upon the butchers.
Alekera remains near Kynan, taking out any bird-man foolish enough to continue the assault. While it's clear she's tempted to join the others in the slaughter of more road-spawn she keeps to her duty as Custos and protects her Ward. Not that he actually needs it, but it gives him time to rest.
Celeste stops as Theo handles the butchers without making her get dirty. She roars, "Retreat, All Commanders, Retreat and return to camp!"
7 Alacian Port City Elites out of 24 remain alive. Of them, two are unfit to travel - they'll fall in the course of the retreat. Two more assist Petrus in retreating.
(Ed: Survivors make a retreat.)