Hi everybody!
Lea tagged me for 10 facts about Jason Gross and I thought I would play along. But first a explanation about why I haven't posted the story part of my BC or commented on anyone's updates lately.
My vacation out of state to visit relatives went off without a hitch but less than twelve hours before getting on our plane to fly out to Florida we had to put our fourteen year old dog named Brewster down due to liver failure. It was an extremely difficult decision as if we hadn't been about to leave I might have been able to nurse him through some of the illness and had a few more months with him before it was his time. Worse yet, the first thing we had to do after getting back was go pick up his ashes. So I've been a little bummed about all of that.
The visit with my in-laws was fun and we went to Sea World- Orlando and Universal Studios while we were down there. Universal is a whole lot of fun and if you haven't been, I highly recommended it.
Beyond all of that, I found that while I did get a fair amount of dialog written for my main story on the trip, I've been lacking some inspiration for the BC story. I know what I want to happen and have the beginning and end mapped out. It's the middle stuff that is slowing me down. I still intend on completing it and having a wedding scene for everyone to enjoy hopefully here in the next couple of weeks. I did move ahead with some scenes for my legacy story and have a few pictures to share at the bottom of this post that I thought were kind of neat. It may be that I will get a legacy update done before the BC story.
As for my failure to comment... Since getting back I've been super busy at the cat shelter where I volunteer trying to get 28 kittens de-wormed, vaccinated and out to veterinarians to be spayed or neutered and ready for adoption. As well as preparing handouts and flyers for an upcoming adopt-a-thon. My mind has been a little over whelmed. I have been reading all your updates but not for any kind of comprehension. If you quizzed me about anything I have read in the last two weeks I would fail horribly. I will get caught up as much as I can.
Now for ten facts about Jason Gross:
1. His appearance is based around a veterinarian I worked with for a few years. The real Doctor Gross, DVM is super cute and really nice. I had tons of clients ask me about his age because he has a baby face and is a little shorter than most men.
2. Jason's romance with Hannah started as an ACR influenced kiss on the coven lot I used when Jason met his first mentor and learned how to use magic. There were three ladies there of suitable age and I have to think that certain parts of my story would have changed if he had chosen the evil witch.
3. I had planned from the start to have Jason be the supernatural expert for the story and he still is in many ways. I wanted a character that I could use to help explain all the myths and oddities to the readers.
4. Jason also acts as an oracle in my story, much like the Greek oracles of old. While it was my choice to give him this ability, it frequently drives me crazy when I'm trying to write major events. How much should he know or be able to see without ending my larger plot right now? It's fun to have but very challenging.
5. Of the numerous non-legacy family characters in my story, Jason is only my second favorite. Can you guess who is my first?
6. I dread Jason getting high enough skill in black magic to cast the spectral servant spell. He's not outrightly mean (3 nice points) but I would have to try and justify why he wouldn't send the servant to kick Marie's butt all over Pleasant View. Then again, maybe he should...
7. Jason and Darwin have a very complex relationship. Jason is old enough to be Darwin's father but they act much like brothers. I think Stanley would approve.
8. If he were a normal character Jason, who is a knowledge sim, would want to be a mad scientist and desperately wants to be a werewolf.
9. I still haven't decided where his relationship with Hannah might go. As supporting characters, I haven't given it too much thought. He doesn't strike me as the marry and have kids kind of guy.
10. He doesn't roll any romantic wants at all. It's all skill points and werewolf wants.
So, that is Jason. I'm supposed to tag five others to participate: (I have no idea how to make LJ names appear as links)
Juno- thepipers
Chisel Jersey- mountainshade1
Angel- joandsarah
Reias- animeangel
Xerxes- blueberrypie360
Now for some pics from my legacy scenes
Can you guess which Pleasant View regular this vampire is?
Don Lothario! He was bitten by the Countess who also bit Tess Trueheart from my OWBC and Darwin from my legacy making them all sort of related. It was he and Tess that the Countess was referring to when she told Darwin she had only ever made two children. No one has seen him around since then. I never see him on community lots ever.
Don pulls of the romantic image of a vampire off very well, don't you think?
Darwin looking all fierce in the face of danger. I'm not in love with this leather jacket. It's a photo skinned piece. If anyone knows where I can find a nicer one, please leave me a note.
And who's house is he standing in front of in the middle of the night?
And that's everything. I will be updating my BC and legacy soon.