
Mar 03, 2011 09:56

My youngest daughter got married last night. Am I happy? Well, no. Not really.

Why not? )

marriage, venting

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Comments 3

mollywheezy March 3 2011, 16:22:11 UTC
I don't have children so I'm no help there. But when I was in high school I knew these girls whose mom had converted to Islam when she married their dad. They were very kind people and seemed to have a good marriage (at least from what my teenage self could tell). Their children were well-adjusted and kind. Neither the mom nor the daughters wore head scarves or other cultural trappings unless they were going to the mosque or if it was a special Muslim holiday.

I have a good friend who is Muslim, and she and her husband dress in American clothes as well unless it's a special occasion in their faith. I was at their wedding, and I agree, how it worked was very different. They didn't have the male/female separation, though, but they weren't married in a mosque which might account for the difference. I'm not sure . . .

Weddings are always a huge adjustment for a family even when there isn't all the extra complication and uncertainty. I will be praying for you and your family that this all works out.


katwoman_68 March 3 2011, 23:16:34 UTC
I wish the bride and groom a happy marriage, but I do understand yours and your wife's concerns.

That being said, I don't really have any advice or experience to offer.


thepastperfect March 4 2011, 00:42:45 UTC
I don't have children either, nor do I have much experience with family members in my generation getting married (yet). But I do think that if it's the wrong thing, or if this is a bad match for either or both of them, your daughter will make the right decisions for the right changes eventually. If you are supportive, she'll know she has the resources to make those decisions, if she needs to.

In the last year, one friend and one friend's sister have gotten divorces, which is tough, of course, but absolutely the best decision for both of them. But then, I know that's not the right thing for everyone. And you may be happily surprised by how it turns out.


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