At some point, someone decided to brand all young people born after... the mid 80s? as "Digital Natives". They've grown up using computers and playing games and using t'internet and mobiles. Some people working in libraries have become rather panicked about the Digital Natives and are trying to repurpose everything in order to flatter the whims of
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Comments 2
It's this blanket presumption about people that annoys, individuality is the bane of total accomadation but to me it pays to be more realistic, even with the possibility that you don't quite get it right than to smugly imagine that you have people pegged like that.
Also, lol digital natives, I didn't use the Internet really until 1999 ffs, I think we have a little bit of time before the possibility that the world becomes soaked with people who have never seen a book in their lives before, this is even if in fact people ever will become like that, which I doubt they will.
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