Chapter 12, My Stardust Melody

Apr 10, 2012 15:06

               Luke was ecstatic.  He had dressed hurriedly in one of the few outfits that didn't have mud or grease stains on it in his closet, and nearly sprinted to his truck to get to Memorial.  He threw his overcoat on as he ran to the car.  He was late, not that he thought Henry would mind when he told him why.

Memorial Hospital was under construction from the neuro-wing addition, so it took Luke a little longer than usual to find a parking space.  He hopped out of the car and jogged lightly into the hospital towards the main entrance.  He hoped he'd catch Henry near the nurses station by the lobby.

He got lucky.  When he bounded around the corner, Henry was standing in front of Bob and two other men whose faces Luke couldn't see.

"Henry!  Henry!  I'm sorry I'm late!" he called.

Henry turned at Luke's booming voice and smiled.  "That's okay, Luke.  We were just finishing up here."

Luke swelled up with affection at Henry's affable voice.  Who knew he'd come to love Henry Coleman like a brother?  "Wait until you hear why!" the blond exclaimed.

"Am I going to like this?" Henry said with no small amount of misgiving in his voice.  Henry always retreated to a little suspicion of any news.  Luke supposed that after years in Oakdale, he couldn't blame him.

"Yes!  Remember Moonlight Delight's workout this morning?  He did five furlongs in 58 seconds flat.  Andy was so happy he actually cracked a smile!"  It was a fantastic number for a workout.

"58 seconds," Henry mumbled, stunned.  "58 seconds!" he yelled.  "Start spreadin' the news!  Roses, Luke.  We’re going to be draped in 'em!"  Henry grabbed Luke by the wrist, spun and then dipped him in his arms like a tango partner toward Bob.  "I've always loved that horse," he announced with a satisfied grin.

Luke laughed as he was bent backwards. "Since when?  You called him a demon yesterday morning," he questioned merrily. He looked back and upwards from Henry's arms and saw Bob laughing genially at their antics, a brunet amused-looking stranger with glinting grey eyes, and then a handsome face with piercing blue eyes that even upside-down Luke remembered.  His face registered shock then blazing anger as he returned Luke's gaze.

Fighting to stand upright again, Luke's blood went cold when he heard Reid say, "I see you found a new sugar daddy, Mr. Snyder."

Henry, as he helped pull Luke upright, looked at Reid in confusion.  "You know Luke?"

"Yes," Reid responded.  "I had the misfortune of running into Mr. Snyder a couple of years ago.  Or is it Grimaldi?  It's hard for me to keep it straight."  Reid's voice was hard; his sarcasm on the verge of outright hostility.

"It's Snyder," Luke said woodenly.  "What are you doing here?"  He was too shocked to put the pieces together.

Reid smiled coldly.  "It seems, once again, we have the same 'investor.'  But I work off my debt standing upright in case you were wondering."  Reid shook off the arresting hand of the strange brunet who seemed to be trying to calm the doctor.

"What the hell is he talking about, Luke?" Henry asked.

"Oh, did I spill the beans?" Reid asked with mock regret.  "Is your new beau not onto your little scheming ways?  I'd hate to have ruined anything for you."

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time, Reid, would it?" Luke sneered, the shock wearing off and being replaced by righteous anger.  Seriously, where did this guy get off attacking him?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Reid demanded.  "Or should I wait for your father to come tell me?"

"Wait, is this 'Dr. Nightmare'?" Henry asked before Luke could answer.

"The one and only," Luke replied.  Not long after he and Luke went into business together, Henry had come up with that pet nickname for Reid.  At this moment, Luke wished Reid's presence really was a dream.

Something shifted in Henry's eyes, and his face lost all humor.  "Listen, buddy, I don't know who the heck you think you are, but if you're coming here to stir up trouble for Luke again, you can forget about it."

Sometimes Luke just felt like hugging Henry.  Most people failed to take Henry seriously, only seeing the frivolity and recklessness that Henry frequently exhibited.  But Luke knew better than almost anyone that Henry cared deeply for those around him and that his audacity was boundless.

"Gentlemen!" Bob interrupted, his expression stern.  "I don't know what this is about, but I don't want it in my hospital."  Softening, he turned to Luke and said, "Do you want Kim to give you a ride?  You look pale.  She was about to leave and I can catch her."

"Of course he's on a first name basis with the chief of staff," Reid muttered.  "He's probably slept with him, too."  He stopped at Bob's cutting look.  The brunet next to Reid shook his head at the neurosurgeon and rolled his eyes.

Luke felt his blood pressure rise but didn't even spare Reid a glance.  "I'm fine, Bob.  Thank you.  Henry and I were on our way to lunch.  I think we'll just leave."


"A word, Dr. Oliver," Bob said after Luke and who Reid thought was the blond's new rich boyfriend left.

Reid shuffled forward reluctantly.  He felt like he was back in middle school.  "Yes?"

"I don't know what that was about with Luke Snyder, but I won't tolerate that kind of behavior from my staff.  Am I clear?" Bob's voice brooked no argument.

"Crystal, it won't happen again."  Reid respected the man for his directness, even if he thought defending Luke Snyder was a worthless enterprise.

"Good.  Now let's finish up your paperwork, so you can start work."  Reid hadn't wanted to take much time off work and had already set it up so that he could work at Memorial in a few days.

"Fine by me."  He was relieved that Bob didn't want to harp on about what was going on between him and Luke Snyder.

Fifteen minutes later, Reid and Nathan said their goodbyes and left. They made it to the car and had barely touched the seats when Nathan demanded, "What the hell was that?"

"I'm impressed.  You made it a whole two minutes without asking."  Nathan's nosiness was as trusty as a compass needle pointing north, but him asking questions about Luke was the last thing Reid wanted.

The brunet gave him a blatant look of "cut the crap, Reid."  He then said, "Quit deflecting, Reid.  Who was that guy?"

"You're so cute when you're worked up about something."  He ran his hand up Nathan's arm toward his neck.

"Stop it, jackass.  We officially ruled out me being a homophobe the time you insisted on going to microbiology class instead of staying in bed, and I had to carry your naked butt out of the dorm shower when you collapsed with a 103-degree temperature," Nathan said, closing his eyes.  "So, I repeat, who was that guy?"

Reid worked his jaw before saying, "You don't need to know every little part of my past."

Nathan's mouth fell open.  "You're right, but when you behave like that, I think I'm right to be concerned.  You attacked that kid without him saying a word to you.  Even for you, that's a bit excessive."

Reid turned in his seat to look at Nathan.  "Fine.  You want to know?  He is the reason I lost my job in Boston."

"Mr. Blond and Dimpled?"  Nathan asked, surprise in his voice.

Reid might have thought Nathan's expression funny in another situation.  He looked the same way when they were fifteen and Molly Manning told him that she did not have a crush on him.  "Don't be fooled by Mr. Snyder.  I was and it cost me."

"What happened?" Nathan asked, putting his hand on Reid's arm.

"Let's just say he's not what he seems.  Words like gold-digger fall short of doing him justice."  Even knowing what he did, Reid had looked at Luke's big brown eyes and fresh complexion and felt a twinge of…something.  Luke was as handsome as ever, possibly more so.  His hair was a bit shorter and he seemed a little thinner, but those changes just served to enhance his beauty.   It was no wonder Reid had been taken in by Luke two years ago.  Luke was the human counterpart to a wide-eyed woodland creature in a children's book.  It was amazing how much guile the warm laugh and sparkling eyes could conceal.
                But Reid was harder now, more discerning.  He had learned from experience what Luke Snyder could cost him.  If Reid had his way, he'd never go near the deceitful blonde again.

Nathan relented a little and said, "Okay, Reid.  I won't push.  Do you really think he's with that guy Henry?"

"I guess," Reid said noncommittally.  It rankled a little that Luke had gone from Julian to a guy who seemed unlikely to be able to operate a toaster.  Julian, at least, was powerful and ruggedly handsome.  When Reid had first met Henry, he thought the man in the purple shirt with red stripes was definitely gay--that wasn't a surprise-- but a bit of an idiot.  The guy just kept chirping on, repeating himself, and seemed overly concerned about some relative coming back from the dead.   And he kept mentioning "bubbles."  Reid wasn't sure if "bubbles" was a person, a dog, or some sort of cocktail, probably the latter since Henry smelled faintly of vodka.  Maybe this was some sort of symptom of dementia?  If this was the sort of guy Luke had chosen, the younger man must really be desperate for a dollar.  He wondered if the scene today would earn Luke a new car or a trip to Vegas.  Of course, maybe Luke had to earn those things in a different way with Henry.

"Henry seemed nice," Nathan said tentatively.

"Henry seemed like a moron."

"Do you think this Luke is taking advantage of him?" It was just like Nathan to worry about strangers.

Reid rolled his eyes.  "Probably.  But I've learned never to underestimate the depravity of the rich.  Henry may know exactly what he's getting."

Nathan leaned back in his seat and looked out the window.  "Wow, all this in the heartland of America.  Who knew we'd find such vice and degeneracy here?"

"Yeah, who knew?"  Reid tried to match Nathan's light tone, but knew he'd failed to keep the bite out.  Nathan raised an eyebrow at him in question, but Reid stayed silent for the remainder of the ride to the hotel.


"Luke, this calls for the big guns," Henry announced as they walked into the lobby of the Lakeview.

"What does that mean?" Luke asked with dread.  He was worried that Henry was about to embark on one of his "schemes."  Luke had enough problems and didn't need to add any new antics by Henry to the list.

"I texted Maddie to meet us here," Henry replied.

Slightly relieved, but still concerned, Luke responded, "Did you have to?  I'm afraid she might track Reid down and hit him with a big tree branch."   He could still picture Maddie's wrath after Reid had wreaked his havoc on the investors two years ago.  He nearly had to tackle her to keep her from going after Reid with a blunt object.

"As well she should!  That man is an ass," Henry said with conviction.

"I'm not sure that merits death by shovel."  Not that a few swift raps on Reid's scull wouldn't be a bit satisfactory.

"It should."  Henry's voice was sinister.

They found Maddie already waiting for them at a table in the hotel's restaurant.   From the tapping of her foot and her narrowed eyes, Luke knew Henry had already told her about Reid's surprise presence in Oakdale.

As soon as they sat down, she asked, "What is that man doing here?"

"He got a job, Maddie," Luke replied more calmly than he actually was.  He had already thought about it during the car ride and decided that it was probably coincidence and bad luck that brought Reid to Oakdale.  That didn't mean that he was sanguine about seeing the doctor, however.  At the moment, he was squelching the urge to scream in frustration.  The gall of that jerk!  Can't I ever catch a break?

"Likely story," Maddie scoffed.

"Bob hired him.  I'm sure that's all there is to it.  He seemed surprised to see me."

"Well, he seemed surprised to see you two years ago," she retorted.

Luke sighed.  He really didn't feel up to this discussion at the moment and was regretting not heading back to the farm.  "I doubt he's moved to Oakdale just to mess with me.  What could his motive possibly be?"

"True.  Unless he thought you still had money.  Maybe he thinks that you're old enough to access that supposed trust fund of yours."

Luke put his hand up and said, "Maddie, just stop.  It doesn't matter.  I have every intention of forgetting about him.  I rarely go to the hospital, so how often will I even have to see him?"  Luke prayed silently for never.

"Let's just hope you don't get a head injury," Henry muttered.

"Yeah, I tend to hope for that no matter who the doctor is," Luke said wryly.

Their waiter came, took their orders, and brought them some water (which Henry loudly refused, declaring with a shiver, "Ugh, I might as well drink…water!")

"What did you think of him, Henry?" Maddie asked, once all the drink orders were rectified and Henry was happily sipping a cold martini.

Henry scrunched up his face in disgust.  "Complete psycho.  He attacked Luke for no reason.  And I have no idea why he thought I was Luke's boyfriend.  I think he should be observed in the psych ward for a few days, honestly.  Before Luke even arrived, I thought he was ridiculously arrogant.  He clearly had no appreciation for a good drink and wasn't interested in anything about Oakdale.  The man's a beer-drinker and cannot dress!"

"Who was the guy with him?" Luke asked.

Henry shrugged.  "Some sort of friend.  Nathan.  Nice guy, clearly deluded.  I should invite him to my next poker game."

"If he's friends with that jerk, you shouldn't invite him anywhere," Maddie interjected.

"Are they dating?" Luke inquired.

"Nah, he was flirting with the nurses.  He even called himself the great consolation prize for women who figured out Reid was gay."

Luke let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.  What the hell was that? He shook his head in disgust for having even a flicker of interest in Reid's love life.  He knew better than anyone what a low-life Reid was.  I hope he's alone.  After what he did to my family, he doesn't deserve anyone's love.

Maddie cut into Luke's thoughts, "Maybe you two should just let Reid keep on thinking you're an item.  If he does have any designs on Luke, it may keep him at bay for a while."

Henry shrugged and said, "Fine by me, but I don't know how long it will last.  Barbara and I are still in our honeymoon phase and can't be held responsible for what we do in public.  Marital bliss, I tell ya."

"Gross," Maddie squeaked.

Luke just ignored Henry's comment.  "I'm fine telling him nothing.  My life isn't Reid Oliver's business for one single second.  I just want him to stay out of my way."  Luke certainly didn't need any attractive auburn-haired jackasses distracting him.  He was within reach of achieving success: Any major wins on the road to the Derby would help bale the farm out of debt.  With Midnight and Serendipity, Luke had two horses who would be major contenders in the spring racing season.  If Henry and he made it to the winner's circle, Reid Oliver would be just an insignificant speck on Luke's rearview mirror.  Preferably a speck I ran over with my truck, but I guess I can't have everything.

Henry suddenly sat up straight in his seat.  "Hey Luke, now that I'm a big-shot over at Memorial, I can get him fired."

Luke groaned--this was just what he was afraid of happening.  "No, Henry, let's not involve him anymore in our lives.  I just want to avoid that jerk.  Let's pay attention to the stables and not mess with him."

"But, he'd have to leave Oakdale if he loses that job," Henry argued.

"Henry, no, let's not stoop to his level."

Maddie's brother smiled evilly.  "I was low-born, no stooping necessary."

"Henry…" Luke warned.

"Fine, fine, I'll leave him alone."  But he wasn't particularly convincing.

"But Luke, aren't you furious?  Reid Oliver is here.  In Oakdale.   And you're acting like it's not that big of a deal," Maddie said.

"Maddie, that guy destroyed my family's company.  Faith, Natalie, and Ethan have none of the privileges I had growing up."  Luke got angrier as he spoke.  "Ethan wanted a new bike last week, and I had to say no because we couldn't afford it.  I've been on three dates in two years because I'm too freaking busy for a social life.  And guess what?  I'm not exactly a fun date anymore.  Those guys ran for the hills, and I can't blame them with all my issues.  Am I furious?  What the hell do you think?"  His voice had gotten louder, and Maddie had shrunk back in her seat.  Luke ran his hand through his hair and felt exasperated but knew that Maddie wasn't the real cause of his frustration.

Maddie said tentatively, "I'm sorry, Luke.  I--I didn't know."

Luke heaved a sigh.  "No, I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have yelled, and I don't want to take it out on you."

"It's okay, Luke.  You're allowed to vent," Maddie replied.

Luke shook his head and tried to smile.  "Let's talk about something else.  Reid Oliver is in the past.  We're supposed to be celebrating Midnight's run."

Henry filled Maddie in about Midnight's lightning-paced workout.

"That's fantastic, Luke!" she cried, getting up and hugging him.  "Congratulations, you've worked so hard."  Sitting down, she added with less enthusiasm, " And you, too, Henry.  You've worked, uh, hard."

"Thanks, sis."  Henry gave his sister a little glare, then turned back to Luke and asked, "So, any other news this morning?"

Luke frowned, remembering.  "One thing.  Somehow some old Red Maple leaves got into Serendipity's feed this morning."

"Can't those be fatal to horses?"  Maddie inquired.

Luke nodded.  "Yeah, and we do have a Red Maple over at the farm, but I raked the leaves carefully in the fall and burned them.  I don't see how any could have blown into the stable.  Thankfully, I caught it when I was adding a little more feed to his trough."

Maddie's eyes widened in concern.  "Wow, Luke, that was lucky.  Would it really have killed him?"

"If he'd eaten enough of them.  But, the amount I saw probably would have only made him very sick.  It would have been pretty bad, though."  His stomach turned just thinking about it.

"Did you see leaves anywhere else?"  Henry asked.

"No, and I looked everywhere.  There were a few scattered on the floor, but that was it."

Henry nodded his approval at Luke's actions.  "What do you think happened?"

"I must have missed some when I raked up this fall.  I thought I was thorough and that the tree was far enough away from the barn and the pasture, but I guess I was wrong."  He really didn't understand how it could have happened, but it must have been his fault.

Luke's self-blame must have been evident in his voice because Henry responded, "Well, don't beat yourself up over it.  No harm, no foul."

Just then, Maddie started as she looked over toward the entrance of the restaurant.  "Oh geez," she said under her breath.  "That's him coming in the door, isn't it?"

"Please let him ignore us," Luke prayed aloud.

No such luck.  Reid immediately spotted the group and walked towards them.

Reid nudged Nathan and announced, "Oh, look, if it isn't the poster child for why not to have a one night stand."

Luke gritted his teeth at being called a child.  With the most fake smile he could muster, he replied, "Really, I thought that would be you, Dr. VD."

"What?!" Reid barked.  "I do not have a venereal disease," he said to his friend.

Luke smirked.  It had been a petty barb, but it had felt really good.  He eyed Reid from his seat, taking in any little changes.  Reid's hair was slightly longer, but other than that, Luke couldn't see any differences from two years ago.  The doctor had probably been living well since the party, not barely scraping by like Luke.  If there was any cosmic justice, Reid would at least have gotten fat.

"You turn up like a bad penny, Mr. Snyder.  Do you plan to be everywhere I go from now on?"

"Not if I'm lucky," Luke answered.

"Good.  I'd hate to have to see you and that graduate of Clown College everywhere I go."

"Don't drag Henry into this," Luke warned, his barely leashed anger nearly bursting free.  If Reid wanted to take a few shots at Luke, the blond could handle it.  But if the jerk thought he could attack Henry or Maddie, he was dead wrong.

"Hey, I take offense," Henry exclaimed.  "He could have meant anyone by that."

"Whatever, just make sure you leave us alone," Reid said.

"Um, Reid," his tall friend interjected, shifting uneasily on his feet, "We’re the ones who came over here.  Hi, I'm Nathan," he announced to Luke and Maddie.

"I'm Maddie.  Luke is my best friend," she said, introducing Luke and clearly indicating by her tone that she would gladly stomp on anyone who hurt her friend.

Nathan seemed impressed.  "It's nice to meet you, Maddie."  He stared a little too long at her face and Maddie blushed.  Luke had to admit that if those gorgeous masculine eyes were focused on him, he would probably blush, too.

"She's also my sister," Henry said in a sinister voice.

"Ah," Nathan said noncommittally.

"Well, now that we know Maddie's relationship to everyone, why don't we go?" Reid said with derision.

"Please do," Luke declared with patently fake politeness.

Reid tipped his head slightly to the side and moved his finger in a little circle in the direction of their table. "I'd offer to pay for your drinks, but I'm sure Luke has Henry to do that now."

A red-faced Maddie started to get up, but Luke anchored her in place.  Actually, it would be more accurate to say he yanked her back into her seat.

"That's ladylike," Reid commented as he turned to leave.  "I'd think they'd teach you better in finishing school."

"What an ass!"  Maddie declared loudly, ensuring that Reid could hear her.

Nathan lingered for a moment as Reid walked away.  Seemingly indecisive about something, he finally just said, "Excuse me," before following his friend.

"Reid is a total psycho!" Maddie exclaimed, once the doctor and his friend had left.  "I think you were lucky to get away from him."

"Probably.  I don't want to think about it," Luke said.

Maddie wasn't finished.  "But seriously?  He comes over here and insults you?   That's just not right.  You should have told him where he could shove his opinions."

Luke shrugged.  "Let him mouth off; it only makes him look like an idiot."  Several years of raising younger siblings had ingrained that bit of advice into his mind.  "I said I wanted to avoid him and I meant it."

Henry frowned.  "I should let Barbara have at him.  She'd shred him into a scarf by the time she was done."

Luke shook his head.  "No, Henry.  I just want to avoid him.  Seriously, I'm at the farm or Oakdale U most of the time, how often can I see him?"

"Sure, Luke, avoidance works so well in this town."  Henry looked over at Maddie and rolled his eyes.  He then turned back and stared into his martini, a half-grin spreading across his face.

Nervously, Luke asked, "What's that look for, Henry?  You look like a cartoon villain who's about to try his new freeze machine on a superhero."

"Just thinking about Barbara."

"With that expression?"  Maddie groaned.  "I don't even want to know."


Ignoring the cold air that night, Reid stood on the balcony and looked at the sky.  When he lived in New York City, he had rarely seen a nighttime sky filled with so many stars.  For that, he was grateful.  Every time he saw the stars his mind traveled to the fleeting moment of happiness he'd once had dancing in the moonlight with a smiling, beautiful man.  Inevitably, the acrid taste of betrayal would wash over him, and he'd look away from the sky.

Two years had passed, and he remembered his night with Luke all too well.  Nathan had been right to say he'd changed since that party.  No man had inspired the rush of feelings he'd had that night.  Ever since, Reid had dated and quickly discarded men who just didn't seem as interesting to him.  In the back of his mind, he always judged them against Luke.  He knew he should probably get his head examined for that alone.  Part of the problem, he admitted to himself, was that he didn't trust easily, even before meeting Luke.  He waited for ulterior motives to surface and built thick walls around himself.  Better not to feel than to feel manipulated again.

And now here he was, once more under the starlight, and Luke Snyder nearby, perhaps even looking at the sky himself.  Luke's words, said long ago, drifted through his mind, "I like the early nighttime, when the dark somehow seems fresher.  When I feel like anything can happen." Reid closed his eyes, feeling his anger swell.  He thought he was over this; he thought he was past Luke.  It was just one damned night!  Why couldn't he let it go as easily as any other?  It was humiliating that just seeing Luke again could undo him so much.

He thought of the moment he saw Luke at the hospital that day.  If he were completely honest with himself, for one brief moment he felt joy at seeing the younger man's smiling face.  Two years later and an abundance of knowledge that Luke was one of the most despicable men he'd ever met, and Reid was still gullible enough to feel elated before he could think.  Reid had thought he was stronger than that, but he seemed to have a Luke-shaped fissure in the foundation of his defenses.

'Henry, Henry,' he could still hear Luke's voice calling.  That Luke was with that ridiculous purple-shirt-wearing idiot was enough to make him sick.  Was Luke willing to jump into bed with anyone for money?  It was pathetic.  It was even sad when you considered how much potential Luke was wasting in pursuit of his lifestyle.  Luke was intelligent, talented, and he could have been so much more than he was.

Reid gave himself a mental shake.  Luke wasting his life wasn't his problem.  If the jerk wanted to live his life hopping beds from one rich man to the next, that was his problem.

He just wished it didn't bother him so much.  It was time to start patching that Luke-shaped hole with some bricks and mortar.  He'd been haunted enough.

my stardust melody

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