Holy crap, has it been that long? Oops. Honestly, though, posting is one of the last things I've felt like doing. So sleepy all the time. But at least the headaches are better. And now your meme, stale though it be:
1. Where is your cell phone? - Desk
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/lover? who?
3. Your hair? - wrong.
4. Your mother? - kickass
5. Your father? - Daddy!
6. Your favourite item? - bed
7. Your dream last night? - dystopian
8. Your favorite drink? - Coke
9. Your dream car? - Jaguar
10. The room you are in? - Office
11. Your ex? - ....
12. Your fear? - defeated
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? - together
14. Who did you hang out with last night? - Tohru
15. What you're not? - energetic
19. The last thing you did? - ate
20. What are you wearing? - red!
21. Your favorite book? - Persuasion
22. The last thing you ate? - smammidge
24. Your mood? - unsatisfied
25. Your friends? - somewhere
26. What are you thinking about right now? - sleep
27. Your car? - hot
28. What are you doing at the moment? - 'work'
29. Your summer? - stretchy
30. Your relationship status? - snort.
31. What is on your TV? - toons
32. When is the last time you laughed? - last night
33. Last time you cried? - migraine
34. School? - missing...
I changed my answer to #15 up there to "mean", figuring ppl would've gotten that I'm unenergetic by now, but then changed it back. Because sometimes, especially lately, I can probably seem pretty mean. Bitchy, more like. I don't mean to be, mostly. It's a defense mechanism, I guess. And I'm tired enough to make it very unwise to try to explain it (or understand it) any further.
End-of-month craziness is over for me, and hints of more craziness are already wafting up the trail. And I need a vacation.
The apartment's getting messy again, but not on an epic scale yet. My next energy spurt should be spent dealing with that.
The weekend was kind of a wash. I had to work Saturday, then crashed that night and missed
moonsongsl's shindig. :( I do believe I needed the rest, however. Spent yesterday sleeping and reading the fruits of my latest manga binge. MUST STOP BUYING MANGA. CAN NOT STOP BUYING MANGA. GAH. Hate reading manga on the computer, though, so I don't download much. This is one of the reasons I'm thinking of buying my cousin's laptop off him. Mm, couchsurfing...