
May 27, 2005 07:23

K, Dj set me off... You don't judge someone t church for being diffrent... I know how it is to be different. I know how it is for people to assume you are a whore because I had a boy friends. Sure I made out with him once or twice, but we had actually talked about marraiage (Sp?? also shhhhh, and I know it wouldn't have worked with me and Mike... ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

tigerbuddy45 May 27 2005, 16:29:56 UTC
okay i think everyone needs to calm down some before someone gets hurt


peyton_mareigun May 27 2005, 21:54:22 UTC
nikki... ur alittle 2 late... I already did!!! also I'm not mad so its ok!!!


tigerbuddy45 May 27 2005, 22:16:46 UTC
hey i couldnt control you hurting your ankle heck i dont even know how you did it lol


peyton_mareigun May 28 2005, 03:51:18 UTC
Short version I fell!!!


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