Slept in your bed? : i did
Made you cry? : wow thats a tough question.... not
Spent the night at your house? : house? can dorm room count? well, either way, its ian
You shared a drink with? : alcoholic, or regular? new years alcoholic, and last night i stole some of carls dr pepper
You went to the movies with? : i slept through big fish with celina
You went shopping with? : ians mom, who RULES by the way
Sent you an e-mail: my cousin jeff from iraq!!!
Said "I love you"? : yup
Been to New York? : yup
Been to Florida? : yup
Danced naked? : hehe i did yesterday
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day? : never like the next day, but i have had dreams that came true a few days later
Stalked someone? : yea, celina and i sucked for a long time
Apples or bananas? : i love the cock
Red or blue? : RED
Math or English? : i like to write, but dont think i can, so i dont like doing it (make sense), but i love doing math, and usually i can do it pretty well
Radio or CD? : depends, usually CD tho, but i like listening to the radio in the car with a lot of people
Drawing or painting? : considering i cant do either, def painting cause it is messier
High school or College? : college, but i miss certain things about high school tho, but in general school sucks
Lucky number? : n/a
Things you like in a girl? : that they arent girlie
Weirdest thing about you? : weirdest thing?! how the hell can i pick one?! im a friggin weirdo, thats impossible
Do you have a girlfriend? : uh, duh. celina
What do you think of ouija boards? : i remember being like 13 and playing the ouija board and it cursing me and my friends off, that was funny
What book are you reading now? : cold mountain, almost done, maybe then ill see the movie... or maybe i wont
What's on your mouse pad? : its red, and very soft, i like to pet it
Favorite board game? : pictionary like whoa.... but nothing is better than a good game of risk
Favorite magazine? : i used to read playboy occasionally
Favorite sound? : people laughing, having a good time
Worst feeling in the world? : those few moments of innocence when you wake up and a few seconds after opening your eyes, you remember that terrible thing that happened and you clutch your heart because it hurts, your heart is actually broken, and that moment of innocent happiness is shattered..... um wow, thats celinas answer, and thats def mine
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? : its too early... (no matter what time it is)
How many rings before you answer? : a couple, i never pick up on the first ring, but i dont have a set amount of rings
Future daughter's name? : i dont know, isnt it something you should decide on 1) when you are ready to have kids and 2) when you know who you are going to have kids with?
Future son's name? : same as above (except ones going to be named jake)
Chocolate or vanilla? : vanilla frosting rules
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : my penguin
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? : sitting on my ass and still making tons of money
What are you going to do after you finish this survey? : write a little
What was the last food you ate? : dinner last night i guess
What upsets you? : war, racism, people not being honest, losing old friends
Do you keep a diary? : not really, i have a gernal, but its not really a diary
Do you like to cook? : i suck at cooking
Do you have a secret you have not shared with anyone? : yea... one i prolly will never tell anyone out of the plain reason that id like to keep some dignity, and one, thing i will never explain, because i like it as my own thing
Do you set your watch a few minutes ahead? : no, i like knowing exactly what time it is, otherwise i sit there thinking what time it really is, and that wastes time
Do you bite your fingernails? : occasionally
Do you believe in love? : yep... but sometimes thats not enough
The sexiest person of the opposite sex? : johnny depp in pirates
The weirdest person you know? : i am friends with weird people
The loudest person you know?: my family is pretty fucking loud, as i realized last night when celina was over
Your closest friends? : celina is my shining star
The person that knows the most about you? : celina and ian
Most boring teacher? : my psychology teacher, i wanted to shoot myself every class
Cried? : i had a brief moment of weakness yesterday morning
Helped someone? : i won cranium for celina and pictionary for carl last night... and i helped dylan find risk at toys r us, and i picked up my brother from school for my mom, and i set the table for my parents, and im just a wonderful person
Bought something? : the postal service- district sleeps alone tonight single/remix
Gone to the movies? : no, thank god considering thats pretty much all ive done every night this week
Gone out for dinner? : nope
Said "I love you"? : nope
Written a real letter? : nope
Talked to an ex? : yupyup... tom
Missed an ex? : yup
Missed someone? : yup... a few people. my cousin, my friends from school (esp shanshan and melmel cause they called me), ians parents and house and such because i was there for like 5 days, you get used to stuff like that
Hugged someone? : celina, dylan
Kissed someone? : celina
Fought with your parents? : nope, i havent seen them much lately
Fought with a friend? : prolly dylan at some point