
Mar 23, 2004 23:31

hung out with frank tonight. we got lost going to the seville diner. theres something very wrong with that ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

miss you dantehicks36 March 24 2004, 06:21:55 UTC
Hey baby...sorry that something was missing from Jersey tonight. I miss you much and hope that you are smiling still and yes asking what you want is a very good question. I will be back in maryland Friaday night and have all of Saturday off. So I will want to see you(naked). No seriously, I will want to hang out if you are up for it. Give me a call if you ever get your cell working.


poachagolly March 24 2004, 16:53:05 UTC
yes, i would like to know more details from this entry


spankmykemp March 24 2004, 18:28:47 UTC
we banged, that's the detail she's leaving out as to not offend you. so i will say it for her, we banged long, and we banged hard.


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