IT'S LIKE I WAS THERE! hakudoushi, will you give me a button now? O:3
More pics! yashy got some good group shots of us, WOOT!
Found on 4chan of all places, a pic of Friday's Naruto photoshoot. You can't really see us so I pointed us out. I think hakudoushi's hiding behind Kisame. This was the Itachi on Kisame on Itachi on Naruto part of the shoot XD
I'm sad the hair piece didn't last long, it really did match Rachel's hair color perfectly.
backwards pic XD
Most def one of the best Gaara's I've seen.
I have more pics but they're at work XD We're thinking about what to cosplay next. Travi's agreed to do Sai and show the world his sexy stomach but we'll see if he follows through. The beauty of the cloaks is that we've got like 12 different people we can be (9 akatsuki + Tobi + Sasori's first form + Orochimaru) talk about versital! :D I'd like to be Itachi again so I can wear those contacts :3
Totally random but did anyone else feel the urge to add "IT!" to all of the "BELIEVE" signs in Inner Harbor? XD