you've got some good points. especially regarding Red. we don't need any more SUV's and malls. FUCK malls anyway. all they do is take up space. space that could be used to increase the food supply, which oddly enough...we're going to need to DOUBLE in about 15 years if the population keeps increasing at it's current rate.
Regarding: your personal opinion, r4v3urashimakyleJanuary 14 2005, 02:52:44 UTC
You might want to state that it's the social actions of consumation and continuation of the species through semi-intergrated materialistic civilizations that describe someone as "communist", rather than slap the theo-bureaucratic label "Communist" on it. They may not realize gods and so be godless, but they don't all wave flags and wear red ;)
Learn how to punctuate fool!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11111!1!!11!!!one!!111!
But yeah, I grok what you say, and it's a good rationalization of existance as any.
Re: mandate of heaven....ph03n1xr4v3nJanuary 14 2005, 18:29:44 UTC
of course i know the Mandate of Heaven. I also know of Legalism and Confusionism from that same time period. and it sounds like we need a be-heading or two in this loverly totalitarian country.
Comments 4
Learn how to punctuate fool!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11111!1!!11!!!one!!111!
But yeah, I grok what you say, and it's a good rationalization of existance as any.
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