I thought it'd be cool to make a post of memories. These videos are cool because I'm not gonna describe them in depth (impossible) and put them in that "memories" section on here. ...And this is all stuff before summer, we got lots more to come.
Thanks to Erik, there was always video footage of everything.
None of this was scripted, so don't expect award-winning plots and happy endings. (still good though)
This is actually my video but it fits in the category:
http://www.erikchristiansen.com/movies/howto_washingmachine.wmv Trip to Slayer Dave's after school:
http://www.erikchristiansen.com/movies/slayerdave-nightwish.wmv New Years in the dez, MDR Dash race, And lethal weapons testing:
http://www.erikchristiansen.com/movies/newyearsmall1.wmv Stupidity from the first night of winter break, watch mall security come to stop, The Neutral Races, how lame is that:
http://www.erikchristiansen.com/movies/WBfinalweb.wmv Thanksgiving in the dez:
http://www.erikchristiansen.com/movies/superstitionfinal.wmv *If you only watch one, watch this one
First trip to the dez in an overcrowded jeep, see the tower and *Watch Patrick Madigan huck his car off some dunes, very cool, ha:
http://www.erikchristiansen.com/movies/desertfinal.wmv -It's all good stuff to tell the grandchildren about someday...
-I'm guessing by next year, we'll have enough footage to make a full-length dvd...