put your hands up

Jul 27, 2010 12:56

It's been a while. A lot has been happening in my life, and right now the internet feels overwhelming to me in kind of a bad way. I've been getting messages about Dan Sunday--I guess some people think that he might be this other person in Melbourne who's been trying to fleece people out of money by faking a long illness on a popular blog or something? I don't know, it's too much for me. I guess I'd rather not know. Dan was my best friend; if he wasn't who I knew him to be from our friendship, then I'd rather not know the truth. Maybe that makes me naive or gullible or something, but he never asked for anything from me except friendship, and I'd prefer not to know more if it means questioning the past 7 years.

Other stuff going on with me... in less internety news, I saw my rheumotologist this morning. The past month has been pretty awful with me on the health front. It's been so rainy and humid here, every day I hurt all over with special excruciating pain in my shoulder and neck, and I also feel nauseous pretty much constantly. My doctor was unhappy that I've lost 5 pounds since my last visit. I didn't tell her that most of that has been in the last 2 weeks. But I've been in so much pain and just feeling so awful that I haven't been exercising, which you think would help me gain weight, but it actually makes me lose weight because I lose muscle mass almost immediately. Plus the constant nausea doesn't help me eat!

So now I'm supposed to start taking meloxicam every day to see if it helps my shoulder situation at all. I also had xrays taken so we can see if this is RA-related or something else entirely. She said she'd give me a cortisone injection in a month if the meloxicam doesn't help. I just know I need something... it's hard to function when I can barely use my right arm.

Work is crazy... I'm doing like 3 peoples' jobs right now and I don't even want to talk about it. UGH.

The boyfriend remains awesome. I don't know how he puts up with me being sick all the time, but he does and I am lucky that he does because this would be so much harder without him. We're going to Ohio a week from Thursday for my mom's engagement party, so that'll be... interesting. Depending on what members of my family are there.

What else? American Idol kind of sucked this year, and SYTYCD isn't doing much better since half the contestants have been injured and had to leave. I'm rewatching S2 of Dance Crew, and goddamnit, all those crews were kind of awesome. Remember ASIID, with the deaf kid? And FANNY PAK OMG MATT CADY I WILL HAVE YOUR GAY BABIES!! Ahem. I mean. Yeah, it was good and stuff.

Also watching Big Brother. I know wendy will agree with me when I say that all these people are kind of worthless right now. I had hope for Andrew, UNTIL he decided that Matt's story wasn't fake after all. I still like the gay dude and the sherrif, but the Brigade is retarded, and I do mean the people AND the idea. Everyone knows you should only have a real alliance with one other person, and a fake alliance with no more than 2 other people beyond your real alliance. Siiiigh. At least they're lying awesomely about their real lives this year. Matt IS kind of a genius, at least at lying about a deathly ill wife. Hey, maybe he's an LJer. As long as he doesn't try to impregnate any ponies... oh wait, that's Oil Rig dude's job. Horses and cows, anyway. Lol forever.

Sorry, I'm getting punchy. I took my adderall late because of my doctor's appointment so I'm all in my adderall super-concentrated mode. I should go get some work done! I think I shall.

In the meantime, tell me everything you've been doing the past few months. I'm going to make an effort to read my flist again so I need to be caught up a bit. I miss you guys!

personal, work

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