nemu fanart

Jul 31, 2005 03:21

I just bought a new pen (0.2) yesterday and started using it this morning to draw my new artwork XD

The lineart looks fine on the paper, but appears to be thicker than I expected once the artwork got scanned. However, I still managed to put colors on my artwork. This time, I tried to use burn and dodge tool for color toning, except for the hair which I used multiple layers.

There are also other area of concerns. The proportion of the body does not seems right. It looks a bit awkward. Other than that, the eyes do not seem to be in parallel. And I am plainly forgot to put tone to her waistband or what?? whatever it is called.

Nevertheless, I hope you still can enjoy this and your commments are highly appreciated. I stil need lots of practice ya know ^_^'
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