Title: Stepped In It
Rating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: gen
Spoilers: 6.17
Warnings: there is no beta, only Zuul.
Word Count: ~400
Summary: Dean refuses to take off his cowboy clothes once they return from the past.
People are staring.
“Dean, it's been a week,” says Sam; he is not amused.
This information does't bother Dean in the slightest as he flips the stetson onto his head with a move only he could classify as smooth and taps the brim, winking at a woman who tries to melt his face off with her withering glare. His response it to noisily fire imaginary pistols at the little boy she is hauling behind her. A wide smile breaks across the kid's face and Dean chuckles in kind as the woman rolls her eyes and drags the giggling child away.
Sam pulls a sour face and flaps his arms about wildly, a flustered gesture of annoyance at the general public around them. Dean looks down and scuffs the heels of his boots against the sidewalk to make his spurs jingle.
“Would it kill you to at least wash your clothes?” Sam sighs in defeat.
“Or, how 'bout a bath even? You smell like dust, sweat, and horse shit,” Bobby grouses as he joins them. Pointedly avoiding Dean's open-armed offer to help, he shoves paper bags in Sam's direction.
Dean beams and plucks at his shirt proudly. He doesn't seem to notice, or maybe he just doesn't care, but the other hunters both shift away in disgust as he displaces a layer of dust. “It's-”
“-authentic,” Sam and Bobby finish in unison.
Bobby scowls as Dean turns on his heel and heads for the truck. “Yeah, yeah, we know. Is this why we had to take my truck to town?”
“Nobody's allowed in my baby like this; not even me,” Dean says, scandalized.
Sam scrubs his face with his hands. They follow Dean as he cheerfully and loudly sings the theme to Rawhide.
There's a flutter of feathers, and Dean tilts his head just enough to see past the curving edge of his hat to find Castiel standing beside the truck.
“Dean, if you do not do as they have asked-” Dean pushes his hat so it rests higher upon his head as Castiel grouses “-I will banish those clothes to the farthest reaches of the universe. Now promise me.”
“But, I-”
“Right now, or I will leave you standing naked in the street.”
The out-of-place cowboy huffs, but he holds a hand over his heart and states, “I promise to shower and wash these clothes as soon as I get home. There, happy?”
“Yes,” he hears from Castiel and the two men behind him.
He crosses his arms before crowing, “Said nothing about wearing different clothes though!”