Oct 28, 2008 03:46
I find that many people in their 20s or less have this strange self-confidence. They have such pride in which-ever skills they PERCEIVE themselves to have it's amazing to see the way they strut around, eventhough they might suck to high hell.
My close fren, on duty in Iraq right now, had been badgering me to sign up with Xanga so that I can read his private postings. By chance i decided to check out one of his "fren"'s blog whom I suspect may be his church mates.
This rather rotund, bookish person wrote:
"As a side note, someone commented that I have very handsome features
and that I have a very good body shape - if I take effort in training.
I was quite flattered. So will you please take a look at the first
picture again. Don't you agree that I am the most handsome among all
the guys in the pictures?"
I couldn't help it but to comment:
"I hate to burst your bubble, but really, "No" and "maybe".
I can onli caution u to take care of your health lest u suffer from heart problems. I'm surprised u need sweaters at all, considering the insulation!"
Could've been bitchier but I thot i should spare him on account of my dear fren. I mean, if u had seen his pic u would've not believe his guts in writing that out. To say that he's fat would be an understatement, much less using the term "average-looking"! I've seen pigs in better shape and I wonder if he sees his resemblance with Manuel Uribe.
MY POINT IS, he'll make v good frens with people whom i described at the beginning of the entry!
U know i despise people who likes to brag also. His latest entry go a little like this:
"Despite my busy schedule at work, I am still keeping up: Read 3 books by John Grisham..."(and a shopping list of "accomplishments") WOW wat an excellent time-planner u r!
"Gurkhason"?(*Slaps forhead*) "Aye Carumba, mama mia!"
I know silver is scarce but i fink u can still find many mirrors in public toilets.