AHHH!!! I love this fucking show so fucking much i can't think of coherent non-profane gushing!
in no linear order, can't think that straight, sorry:
- NPH - love him, but can i just take a moment to point out that there was more sexual tension between Will and Brian than between Brian and Sue... um, hello!?
- Idina and Lea?? singing together?! DED. D-E-D. KILLT. cannot...express... the LOVE!!! i KNEW she was gonna be momma, they look wayyyyy too much alike, though Lea is more... symmetrical? i dunno, there's something other than youth about her face that makes her more attractive.
- Artie, break my heart a lil harder with your unattainable dreams and daydreams of dancing and your breaking voice while singing about it.
- i see you there Britt-Britt, dancing in your HeMo clothes at the mall. Someone in the ontd_glee comm said it's like her and Mike Chang have backup dancer sense, "someone is dancing somewhere, i must go and backup dance for them!"
- Jesse, Jesse, Jesse... i don't WANT to like you, but the fag-hag (not to mention the gay man hidden deep) in me cannot seem to resist you, damnit. You're gorgeous and charming and you sing like warm chocolate (like Lea's eyes *snicker*)
- AWw, Quinn having a lil soft spot for Artie.
- SAFETY DANCE?! YES! And last week getting Total Eclipse Of the Heart, I really do lovelovelove the music they choose
- The Gaga episode is going to break my brain, i'm decidedly sure. "Miss Cochoran? I'm your daughter." GAH!! I welled up and it's still a fucking week away! "We've got a jumper." Dianna and her feathery pink eyelashes singing Bad Romance, unf!
sigh. ok. i'm re-gaining control, it's been 20min, i can settle.