[ Interactive Dream ]

Mar 25, 2010 00:03

Warnings: None! Just more silliness.
Dream Effects: Confusion? And lots of interactivity. Join the FLEE FROM ANGRY MOOGLES race~! And oh yes, mooglespeech only audible to someone who can actually understand mooglespeech. It's just translated for flavor. And fun.

There is a peaceful forest that Terra finds herself in in the midst of her dream. A peaceful, serene forest indeed, the sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees. As Terra walks along, she comes across some shells on the ground. Nuts?

"Kupo~!" { Sup. You look lost. }

Terra lifts her head at the voice, curious as she picks up one of the nuts. Blinks once, because sitting on a rock in the middle of a clearing is an absolutely adorable critter that looks like a cross between a bat and koalabear, with a pompom on its head.

Terra is instantly charmed, and after another blink, scurries over to where the creature sits, scooping it up to give it hugs. Ohhh, soft fur too! <3 "Heehe..~!"

"Kupoppo~~!" { OHGOD YouguysHALP this crazy chick won't put me down. }

"So cute!" Terra giggles, oblivious to the true meaning behind the animals' kupos. Until another one shows up. "Oh, you have friends!"

Friends with spears. "Locke told me about your kind.. you're moogles, right? From the caves?"

"Kupo po! Kupopo! Ku! Kupo!" { Put our friend down and we won't have to muss you up lady! }

"Aww, you're really energetic! Come here, I won't hurt you.." Terra kneels to reach out for the nearest moogle, and stops when she realizes ... there's suddenly a LOT of them. All armed with weapons. Maaan, even her nice dreams are screwed up.

Slowly Terra puts the other moogle down and backs up. "I... I don't understand, I thought moogles were peaceful...?"

"KUPO!" Three moogles cluster around the recently released one, while Terra is still menaced by the leader.

{ Oh man, Ralph, are you okay? }
{ She wouldn't stop fluffing my fur... my pompom is ruined... ;o; } "KUpoooooooooo~~!!!"

Terra, unsure of what all was being said but deciding it's probably a good idea to leave - quickly - backs up, hands held up. "Um. I'm ... I'm sorry if I disturbed you guys. I'll just go.."

The Moogles have other ideas.

Minutes later, Terra is fleeing through the forest with a herd of moogles stampeding after her. "I said I was sorry!" ;.; What did she even do!?

rikku, moogles!, cloud, event: moon cycle 12, terra, fml, but they were so cute

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