Title: Lux Aeterna
Series: Kingdom Hearts: BBS/Death Note/Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Aqua, Draco, Matt, and Mello
Rating: PG-13
Total length: 857 words
Warnings: Confusing crossover is a bit confusing. Basically, this is Aqua in the wizarding world, sharing a flat with Draco. Also, Matt is her cousin. Also also, her and Draco attend his (Matt's) wedding.
Summary: "It's a spell, Draco, not child labor." "Yes, but it's house elf work." "Well, we can't afford a house elf, so shape up."
Author's Note: For
rudy_flamthrowa . So, to cure writer's block, I did
a meme. As it turns out, this meme gave birth to quite a few crossovers. Makes sense that hers was the hardest.
She meets Draco through a friend of a friend (of a friend of a friend) a few years after the war. It's not exactly like they run in the same circles, after all. He's kind of a brat- surly and sarcastic, too spoiled, like he hasn't quite realized that he's poor now and can't afford the best for himself. It's like he hasn't quite grown up, and now that he has to be grown up, he's having trouble coping with it. But mostly, he's lonely, and Aqua's spent long enough mothering her best friends to recognize the signs of someone in distress.
How that ends up with them sharing an apartment, she doesn't really know- just that it involved lots of alcohol, drunken confessions, and perhaps a bit of stifled misery on his part.
So they get a flat in a muggle neighborhood, mostly because of Draco's reputation, but a little because she just likes the feel of it. It's homey, and the lack of apparition cracks is a blessing that she hadn't quite expected. It's mostly nice. He's a little bit difficult, and in the first few weeks she has to all but blackmail him to spell his own clothes clean and wash the dishes. ("It's a spell, Draco, not child labor." "Yes, but it's house elf work." "Well, we can't afford a house elf, so shape up.")
They fall into an easy pattern, a kind of camaraderie that she grows to cherish. As an auror, she gets a lot of crap for fraternizing with the 'enemy', something that she takes with a grain of salt, because the kid may have been heaped all his galleons in with the wrong side during the war, but he's not a bad sort. Occasionally, she'll bring her casework home, and they'll sit on the sofa and pore over it together- him pointing out details that she probably would have missed and her yelling suggestions to him whenever he's in the kitchen with a foul smelling potion.
He's not her best friend- not by far, but it's easy to think of him as a bit of a little brother, similar to Ven, except a bit harder to deal with.
The wedding comes up as a bit of a surprise. Oh, not her wedding, no. She's yet to find the right girl for that. A couple nice ones over the years that Draco criticizes too much and she doesn't love enough, but nothing permanent.
It's her cousin's wedding, muggle, but extremely clever for his age and station. When they were kids, her still in Hogwarts and him still off in that weird boarding school of his, they'd often get together in libraries or cafes- occasionally at the apartment that she'd shared with Terra and Ven, and he'd peer at her textbooks, stalling on her arithancy text and scoffing before rewriting the entire thing in code, the numbers hidden in line after line of binary and brackets. And then he'd go back to his gameboy, fretting when he realized that technology didn't really work in magical households, even if the dwelling in question was a crappy apartment in the bad side of Knockturn Alley.
She's not entirely sure who proposed, or why, because neither Matt nor the blonde asshole he'd been dating since school really seemed like the marrying type. But she went, dutifully, because even if she was just his cousin, neither of them really had any family to speak of besides each other.
The wedding itself is pretty ridiculous. She should have expected it when she realized that Matt was in charge of the decorations, but it didn't prepare her for the
giant Mario Cart cake or the
paper mâché 8-bit flowers. She learns quickly that the only thing Mello had insisted on was an actual priest, which must have been incredibly difficult, but apparently Mattie liked to pull all kinds of weird strings when it came to their wedding.
So there's a priest, and Aqua giggles helplessly into Draco's shoulder when they start playing the theme song to Legend of Zelda instead of the wedding march.
The reception goes about the same. There are only a handful of people in the room- some albino kid with some robots, a gangly kid whose engaged Ven in some kind of bizarre conversation comparing the probability of magic originating from Death Gods while he eats all the cake, and an old man who stands around them all like some kind of bodyguard.
She dances with Draco, because he fidgets in his seat until she realizes that he's fighting the urge to ask her, because apparently the manners that his father drilled into his head extend to proper protocol at weddings.
So they dance, even though Matt shouts things about cradle robbing until Draco's red in the face and she's giggling so hard that she keeps stepping on his feet.
(But when Matt drags Mello out to join them, a smirk on his face, it's kind of worth the accusations to see the way his eyes go soft and how he nudges his and Mello's foreheads together when he thinks she isn't looking.)