Title: Five Things: Riku & Sora
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Pairing/Characters: Riku/Sora
Rating: R
Total length: 391 words
Author's Note: A while back I did a meme, basically, there are five questions. Someone picks a pairing, and I answer the questions for that particular pairing. Except I'm me, which means I answered them with drabbles.
1. Tell you who I think tops (or if they fight for it/switch up).
Sometimes, when they're out, people look at their clasped hands and automatically think that Sora is the 'girl' of their relationship. He has big doe eyes and a boyish grin- he's thin, and even if Riku has the long hair and the girly eyelashes, he's the one that people look at and think 'oh, what a cute little boy.'
Those people have never seen the way that Sora looks when he's slicing through Heartless like wet paper. How he glares and snarls and fights when someone he cares about is threatened.
Those people have never seen Sora save a world.
What do they know.
2. Who has the prettiest hair
Kairi giggles and pins another bow into Riku's hair, the clip snagging and tugging a bit at his temple. Riku resists the urge to sigh. He isn't cut out for this stuff.
Selphie grabs a curling iron.
3. What their children will be named
She's an orphan, Kairi tells them. They'd found her in Radiant Garden's Crystal Chamber, living off of god knows what and blue in the face from the night's chill.
Kairi tugs at her diadem and shuffles nervously in her skirts. Kairi rules an entire world now- and she does it well. A gracious Queen, leading Radiant Garden into prosperous times. The world knows her, because her heart is it's heart.
Sora looks at him and there's want in his eyes- a love that Riku has only seen when they're tucked away from the rest of the world. The child burbles in Kairi's arms, stretching her little pink arms out towards Kairi's hair. She yanks on it and giggles when Kairi winces.
Well, they're already knights and keyblade masters and saviors of the universe. Why not add father to that list?
(They don't really get a say on her name. But they're told that Kiki is a good name anyway.)
4. Which one would be the loudest during sex
Sora's too loud no matter what, it only makes sense that sex would amplify it. (Riku doesn't mind. Their neighbors might, though.)
5. My ideal scenario for them
Ideal scenario would be them living happily, wandering the worlds and sating Riku's wanderlust so he doesn't make bad decisions. AWESOME SEX AND AWESOME ADVENTURES, FTW.