Title: Five Things: The Doctor & Namine
Series: Doctor Who/Kingdom Hearts
Pairing/Characters: Eleven/Namine
Rating: PG
Total length: 564 words
Author's Note: A while back I did a meme, basically, there are five questions. Someone picks a pairing, and I answer the questions for that particular pairing. Except I'm me, which means I answered them with drabbles. Now this particular one, in my head, kind of takes place in the
to burn a hole in the sky verse. Post- Axel and Roxas, when Axel has his heart and they're both in their mid-twenties, they settle down, and the Doctor and Roxas give Namine a choice.
1. Tell you who I think tops (or if they fight for it/switch up).
For three years this girl has been traveling with him. Three years of quiet giggles and crayons littering the TARDIS control room. He's always thought of her as a daughter, because- well, that's pretty much his default for every young woman who comes to travel with him. He is nine hundred and forty five years old and she is- was- fifteen.
Now though- now she is nineteen years old and has the universe gleaming in the corners of her eyes. She is not the young girl she once was- not the shadow of a personality in Kairi's mind anymore. She is not even the young girl who stumbled out of the machine, a body of her own for the first time and half of Kairi's heart.
She is not the same little girl who Roxas asked him to save.
She has long legs and pale skin and her eyes remind him of clear spring water. She is fierce- not as quiet as she once was, and it hurts to watch her small fingers close around a gun for the first time. She smiles at him though, and says that she likes it better like this. At least with a gun she knows what damage she's doing.
For all that she is a witch, he's never afraid of her unraveling his memories. Maybe it's a bit naive of him to see her and think 'harmless,' but he trusts her.
She is young and lovely and fierce and she always seems to know what she wants.
(This time is no different.)
2. Who has the prettiest hair
Sometimes, if he's not really paying attention, he'll catch a glimpse of her reclining against the TARDIS' main console with a notebook in her lap. Just a sweep of pale hair, soft neck, pink cheek- and as he's passing by, he'll think of her as Rose.
He's always quick to realize that she's not- that Rose is gone and the Doctor is a new man now, capable of loving other humans. But the thought is there.
3. What their children will be named
"Hiya Dad!"
Namine's brow becomes intimately acquainted with her hairline. "Dad?"
"Well, not me, really. The other one. The other Doctor. The one with the big hair and the skinny legs and the unnecessarily large endowments- I still haven't gotten over how much I miss that."
"What? You would have liked it, I'm sure."
"What? I'm not allowed to talk about it? I mean, I don't really- not generally, but it mostly has a mind of it's ow-"
"Right then. Namine, was it? Wanna be my stepmom for a bit? My ship broke down a bit ago, and I'd planned on stealing a new one but when I heard Dad I couldn't resist."
4. Which one would be the loudest during sex
Is it apparent by the lack of sex in the first one that I feel awkward about writing Namine having sex with anyone? Yeah. Um, the Doctor's the loudest. I'm not writing it.
5. My ideal scenario for them
"What's that?"
Namine looks up at him and smiles a little, brilliant little Namine with her crayons and her endless colorful stories.
She shows him the picture. "Our future," she says softly.
He likes the look of it.