Kissing, SG-1 Table 2, Prompt #

Jun 29, 2006 09:04

Title: Kissing
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: General: Daniel/Jack
Prompt: table 2, # 037 Office
Word Count: 745
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Daniel thinks Jack may want to just forget about their early morning visit, until he gets a visit in his office
My sixth ficlet for my 100_situations Table

There had been kissing. Warm, wet kissing. It was unexpected. It was…well, he wasn’t sure he had words for it. He could still taste Jack in his mouth, on his tongue. Daniel was trying not to rationalize it away, trying not to wonder at the sense of desperation and need that had rolled off of Jack as they kissed.

He looked in his rear view mirror. Jack was still behind him, his face unreadable. They were nearly to the base. Daniel had no idea where this would go now. He licked his lips and turned his eyes back to the road. The MP at the gate waved as it opened. Joe…no John…Silvers. Daniel waved back and drove through.

He pulled into his usual spot and reached for his briefcase. Jack’s car was still at the gate, probably waiting for Daniel to go inside. Daniel shook his head. Jack was going to shove it all down inside and forget it. He could tell.

The first kiss had taken him by surprise, but then…then Daniel could feel Jack and the touch was…breathtaking. Daniel had asked him to stay. They had kissed again, up against the wall…then on the couch. They had been kissing when Sam called.

That had ended it. Daniel had taken the call, getting up from the couch to grab his cell phone from the hall table and when he’d returned, Jack had his jacket on, ready to go. Daniel wasn’t sure what to say or do, and had only nodded when Jack said they should get moving.

Daniel stepped out of the elevator, surprised to find Sam waiting for him. “Morning.”

“Have you seen Col. O’Neill?”

“He was at the gate when I parked.” Daniel said, moving toward his office. “Why?”

She shrugged, biting her lip and then crossing her arms before responding. “I-he called me last night. He sounded…strange.”

Daniel shoved aside a jealous pang and turned to her. “Strange how?”

“I’m not sure…tired, I guess…upset.”

“About the mission?”

Again she shrugged. “Maybe. He was…he worried me.”

“Looked fine to me.” He stopped and unlocked his office door.

“He didn’t answer his phone.”

Daniel set his briefcase down and looked at her, smiling to mask the fluttering in his chest. “He called me too. Said he was worried about me, tired. He needs a vacation.”

She smiled too and nodded. “You’re probably right. We’ve all been wound a little tight lately.”

Daniel agreed, turning on his computer as she backed toward the door. “I should get back to the lab. I left Dr. Lee with that artifact from P38-797.”

Daniel chuckled. “Be careful he doesn’t blow you both up.” As Sam left, Daniel settled in to work on translating some artifacts brought back from SG-2’s last mission, losing himself in the work in order to let go of the feeling of Jack’s arms around him, Jack’s lips on his.

At lunchtime, Daniel went looking for Jack, figuring they should talk about what happened, but he wasn’t in his office, or the gym or the mess hall. Apparently, Jack knew Daniel would want to talk, and he obviously wasn’t ready for that. Daniel made his way down to the infirmary for his required check in. Janet smiled at him as he came in. “Right on time.”

He returned the smile. “I didn’t want you sending orderlies to drag me out of my office.”

“Have a seat.” She gestured to one of the beds and he unbuttoned his shirt as he sat, pulling it off to expose the bruised shoulder. “How are you feeling?” Her eyes and fingers were on his shoulder, but he could feel her looking into him.

“A little stiff, sore…the usual.”

“Any nightmares, flashbacks?”

He closed his eyes and shook his head. “No, I’m fine.”

“You were tortured, Daniel. I have to ask.”

He hung his head a little, wincing as she found the most tender spot in the bruise. “I know. I’m fine, I promise. It wasn’t that bad.” He opened his eyes and looked into hers. “It’s not like it was the first time, and probably won’t be the last.”

She sighed and shook her head. “Okay, but you are still on restricted duty for a week. SG-1 could use the break. In the meantime, come see me if you develop headaches, or nightmares or anything else out of the ordinary. I’ll be submitting my report to General Hammond this afternoon.”

Daniel reached for his coffee cup, surprised when he lifted it to his lips to find it empty. Frowning, he turned toward the coffee pot he wasn’t supposed to have in his office. It was empty too. With a sigh, he stood, leaving the pile of papers and opened books sprawled across his desk to go in search of coffee. He opened the door and walked smack into Jack’s chest. “Jack!”

The colonel stepped forward, forcing Daniel back into the office. “Torture, Daniel? You didn’t tell me anything about torture.” The door closed behind him with a thump and Daniel jumped a little.

“It was nothing, Ja-“

“Don’t give me that.” Jack was furious, holding a file folder up between them. “You made me read it in Frasier’s report.”

“Jack, really…if it had been…more-“

“More?” Jack stopped his advance when Daniel was pressed up against his desk. Jack was only inches away. “What more, Daniel? Do you even know what it does to me?”

Daniel wore his confusion well, his blue eyes dancing with emotion that varied between sympathy and pain. “Is that what this is about?” he asked almost breathlessly.

Jack’s face softened and his eyes closed. “I-I can’t lose you again.” He stormed away, and Daniel sagged a little against the desk as the pressure in the room released. “Not like this…not…”

“Jack, I’m not going anywhere.”

Jack paced, lost in his own pain. “Jack.” When it was obvious he hadn’t heard him, Daniel stepped closer, putting out his hand to stop the pacing. “Jack.”

Daniel found himself against the door, his head in Jack’s hands, his lips caught in a kiss with Jack’s tongue sliding into his mouth. He kissed back, unsure what to do with his hands as Jack’s tongue swirled around his own, settling on putting his hands on Jack’s hips, unconsciously pulling him closer. Finally, Jack’s lips slipped from his, both of them gasping for air. Jack’s forehead was against his again, his hands almost painfully entangled in his hair. “Not going anywhere.” Daniel breathed, his lips closing the gap to nip lightly at Jack’s.

He wasn’t sure what this was, but his body was reacting in ways he hadn’t predicted. Jack’s desperation was nearly palpable in the air, and Daniel found his rough tough arousing. He couldn’t think, all he wanted was to sooth the fear and he found his hands stroking Jack’s back now, murmuring softly in non-words between soft kisses.

Slowly Jack’s hands slide from Daniel’s hair to his neck, to his shoulders. His eyes stayed closed as Daniel’s hands moved from his back to his chest, one sliding up to his face. “Jack.” He said it softly, cupping his hand to Jack’s cheek, surprised to find it damp. Jack’s eyes opened and he exhaled slowly. “I’m right here. I’m fine. I’m not going anywhere.”

Jack nodded tightly and Daniel felt a little relief. This wasn’t what he expected from Jack O’Neill. It was a little unsettling. Not to mention arousing. He wanted to adjust himself, but didn’t want to add to Jack’s discomfort. He settled for willing his erection into submission. Now was not the time.

“How about I take you home?” Daniel asked gently and Jack nodded slowly. Daniel kissed him, wanting him to know it was okay, that he wanted whatever this was going to become. Jack took a deep breath and Daniel reached for his coat. While Jack pulled himself together, Daniel picked up his phone and dialed Sam’s lab number. “Hey Sam, I’m going to take Jack home. He’s not feeling very well. No, nothing like that…probably just needs some sleep. Yeah. Okay. See you tomorrow.”

He hung up and looked up. Jack seemed dazed, but more himself than he had been. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”

character: daniel, character: jack, gen, fandom: sg1, stargate-sg1:generalseries:2:amara_m

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