Title: A Letter to My Wife
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: General: Daniel, mention of Jack, implied Shar'e
Prompt: table 2, # 004 Autumn
Word Count: 287
Rating: G
Summary: Daniel writes to Shar'e, mid season 1.
Warnings: Severe angst. Really...I have no excuses, just feeling the pain....
My eighteenth ficlet for my
100_situations Table It’s autumn now…here, on earth. I always wanted to bring you here, to show you the way our seasons change…to show you the trees, the flowers…a beauty so different from your world...
You would have liked this place, though the quiet is…almost painful without you to share it. The grass is long, strewn with leaves from the trees nearby. I can almost imagine your face as it would have looked when I brought you here…your eyes filled with wonder, your smile captivating…You would have stood here and smelled the air, the way you used to do before the rains. It is crisp, not quite cold, though after the desert of your home it would have seemed chill. There’s a taste, not unlike the smell of dried husks burning on the morning fire, and it reminds me of you…of early mornings in your arms…of Abydos and our time together.
The colors seem so vibrant to me now, though I don’t remember them being this way before I knew you…the green and red and gold such a contrast to the colors I knew with you…to the deep brown of your eyes, the soft tan of your skin…the dark tumble of your hair.
I haven’t slept, not like I did then…each night when I close my eyes I see your face, hear you screaming my name…and every step through that gate only takes me further away from you…
It’s autumn here, the season of dying…the long slow walk into winter…a time to prepare for death…to acknowledge that you are never coming back to me…Jack says I should…that you are already gone…but I can still feel you…and I ache inside…like something’s broken and I can’t make it whole again…
Your Daniel