This series started out as a follow on to "Everybody Loves a Clown" started out to be lyrical and healing. It turned out to be something else entirely. It should come as no surprise to those who have read my work that this series gets very dark. It is however, far darker than most. It becomes my evil!Sam verse. And this evil is...very...very dark. Not for the squeamish. The first few chapters are maybe PG-13ish, but the get very quickly to the NC-17. There is sex and blood and violence.
The Balancing Point The Breaking Point The Turning Point The Point of Offering The Melting Point The Shattering Point The Vanishing Point The Point of No Return Pieces
A Thousand Quivering Pieces Remnant Pieces Pieces of Dean Scattered Pieces of Mind Pieces of a Whole, Paints
Paint the Sky Paint Him Red Painted in Shades of You Pain Paints Him Promises
The Promise of More Promises Made Broken Promises (Includes Character Death)