
Sep 03, 2006 22:18

We only had two nominations this week, so hopefully we'll get more noms in this week! :)

Remember, sessions are only ONE week long now.

01. Opera Ghost (Erik Icons)

by herm_weasley

02. Apollo's Lyre (Non-Animated Icons)

by sleeping__bud

03. Falling Chandelier (Animated Icons)

by sleeping__bud

04. Red Death (Best Colouring)

by deoxyribos3

05. Sweet Seduction (Couples Icons)

by _ashenicons

06. Why So Silent? (Textless Icons)

by spikesbint

07. Poor Fool (Funny Icons)

by ghostswaltz

08. Box Five (Best Cropping)

by goodfaythe

09. Music of the Night (Best Use of Lyrics/Quotes)

by _ashenicons

10. Prima Donna (Actor/Actress Icons)

by aiken_4graphics

11. Down Once More (Sad Icons)

by sleeping__bud

12. Grinning Yellows (Happy Icons)

by roxybaby2414

This round's special category is...
Final Threshold - "Point of No Return" Icons (film or musical, any cast)!


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