Prima Donna, first lady of the stage...

May 03, 2009 16:04

Name: Curtis
Since we respect the LJ code ,are you over 13?: Yes
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Does Your Sign Suit Your Personality? For the most part, yeah
Describe Your Personality In Six Adjectives: caring, witty, honest, stubborn, dedicated, discerning
Your Hobbies: writing, reading, singing, online gaming, cooking/entertaining, watching movies
Your Strengths: organization, attention to detail, relating to others, responding to crises
Your Weaknesses: procrastination, expecting too much of others, tend to be unforgiving at times
What Most People Like About You: I'm always genuine

And even more questions...
Goals in life: My goal is to earn a Ph.D. and become a nationally recognized scholar in my field...I'm on track for this as I currently hold a Master's degree and amd completing the full-time administrative experience often expected for a Ph.D. application
Favorite quote/lyric/saying & why ( not from Phantom ;) ):

I've heard it said that people
Come into our lives for reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led to those
Who help us most to grow
If we let them, and we help them in return...

I think this is so true and I have personally experienced it many times. Many in my circle of friends are firm believers that many of the things that seem beyond our control happen the way they do for a reason and it's finding that reason and letting life speak to you that defines how we react to it and achieve our dreams.

What do you feel is your best quality?: I will give everyone a chance and usually try very hard to look beyond my first impression (be careful, though, because if people mess up the chances I give them, it's hard for me to be willing to look past it)
What color would you say you are and why?: I would say blue. I'm usually a fairly calm person and can have a calming effect on others. I place a lot of value on relationships and interconnectedness. For some reason, these things just say "blue" to me. Like a deep blue.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: I would change things so that we are all at least able to acknowledge that difference is not a bad thing and learn to embrace our fellow inhabitants of the earth.

Food: Thai cuisine...LOVE IT!
Book: lately I've been reading a lot of textbooks and books on leadership development theory and so as boring as it sounds, they are kind of my favorite at the moment
Animal: Koala Bear
Movies: I love independent films
Music: I have eclectic tastes including pop, classical, showtunes, etc. (just not a fan of "rap music" or screaming)

This or That
Implusive or Cautious: Implusive in thought but cautious in action. I'll often make a snap decision but then spend time evaluating why I made that decision before I act on it.
Leader or Follower: Almost always a leader, but I know when the situation calls for me to leave things in someoen else's capable hands.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic for the most part, but I do occasionally temper it with a "realistic view"
Mature or not so mature: Mature, but I do know how to have a good time
Pleasure or Sacrifice: While I think we all value pleasure more, I am willing to sacrifice the things that are needed for me to get my life to where I want it...and then hopefully will have time and means to do more for myself
Confident or Shy: Confident, but sometimes it's a quiet confidence that gets confused by people at first glance with shyness
Kind or Selfish: Kind. In my line of work I would have burned out by now if I was even the least bit selfish
Introverted or Extroverted: Extroverted. I love being around gets me through the day.

And even more this/that
Love or Passion: Love. Passion is great, but it's not a lasting substitute.
Hate or Honour: Honour. I'd rather be honoured than hated and I'd rather honour others than hate them...hate just takes too much work.
Rule or Be Ruled: Rule. I don't really care much for people telling me what to do unless it makes sense to me or I've given them implicit or explicit permission to do so
Giver or Taker: Giver. I don't like to take but I do like to receive.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium energy level that sometimes peaks above and valleys below.

Phantom of the Opera:
Favorite character ? I would have to say Carlotta. Even though I think we are supposed to want to hate her and she's not the nicest person, I am fascinated by her because she reminds me a great deal of one of my former voice teachers.
Least Favorite character ? It's a tie for me between Firmin and Andre. I just find them annoying, pretentious, and self-absorbed. They are in what they are doing for the money, not for the art, and that REALLY bothers me. Also, they don't heed the warnings and therefore put everyone else in danger.
Favorite song from it? Phantom of the Opera. Mostly because I once performed it as a duet for a talent show.
Why do you love the Phantom of the Opera? I love musical theatre. I love music. I enjoy opera. I enjoy dark stories with intrigue. I have a fascination with the idea of the paranormal/ghosts/phantoms, etc. It has so many of the things I enjoy wrapped into one.

stamped: raoul de chagny

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