Song Theme::Stamped as Christine

Mar 19, 2009 12:26

Name: MC
Age: 27
Stamped as: Christine

What are five positive adjectives you would use to describe yourself?
Funny, honest, loyal, trustworthy, compassionate

What are five negative adjectives you would use to describe yourself?
Sarcastic, somewhat tactless, needy, impatient, easily stressed

What is your life like right now?
I'm just working by day, trying to write a novel by night. I'm feeling a little bit overworked and overstressed since I hold all my obligations (even LJ ones) in the same estimation, making things seem much more important than they actually are.

Describe your current love life:
Non-existent? I'm in love with my best friend who I have been dating on and off for around 6 years. We're currently off again, but I still keep trying to get him to propose (or accept my proposal). Trouble is, he doesn't want to be a grown-up.

What are some of your dreams for the future?
I would love to be a published (possibly best-selling) author with a manageable amount of fame (like Stephen King famous- everyone knows who he is, but the paparazzi don't bother him). I would DEARLY love to have something musical take off since that was what I studied in college, but it's just SO competitive, and I don't know if I have it in me.

Do you wear your heart on your sleeve?
Absolutely- you will never have to wonder what I'm thinking or feeling. In fact, people tend to think I'm whining sometimes when I'm really not. For example, I might say something like "I'm tired" or "I'm hungry" but not expect anyone to feel sorry for me or anything- it's just a declaration.

What do you do when things don't go your way?
It depends on how major the things are. For the most part, though, I tend to get try to calm myself and remind myself that things DON'T always go my way. Then I get over it. Life is too short to hold petty grudges. If it's something major, though, like falling out of a friendship or someone dying, I tend to mourn and brood, and even though I might come to accept what's happened, it will still make me sad.

What are your five (non-Phantom) favorite songs?
1. Kelly Clarkson- My Life Would Suck Without You
2. Alexa Vega- Infected (from the Repo! The Genetic Opera soundtrack)
3. The Airborne Toxic Event- Sometime Around Midnight
4. Terrance Zdunich, Paris Hilton, & Alexa Vega- Zydrate Anatomy (from the Repo! soundtrack)
5. Lily Allen- The Fear

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song: all i ask of you (reprise)

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