Name: Bridget
Since we respect the LJ code ,are you over 13?: Yes
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Does Your Sign Suit Your Personality? I don’t know. I fit the ‘eccentricity’ bit, but I’m not as social as my sign suggests.
Describe Your Personality In Six Adjectives: Eccentric, Fragile, Timid, Passionate, Kind (to most), Unstable
Your Hobbies: Ballet used to be my number one hobby. It was probably more than a hobby, but it seems right to list it here. I have a very green thumb, so my garden occupies a lot of my time in the summer. I love to read especially when reading the book makes me feel like I have gained something whether it be intellectually or some other way. I love to drive to no place in particular.
Your Strengths: I’m very intelligent. I’m artistically gifted in a few different fields. I’m kind and I have a good heart. I never give up on those I care deeply about. I like to think that I am also a brave individual.
Your Weaknesses: I’m timid. It’s very difficult for me to initiate interaction or conversation. I’m unstable, which fuels my fear that I will one day lose my mind. I’m somewhat of a doormat.
What Most People Like About You: I think people mostly like me because I’m genuinely kind and I don’t often judge them.
And even more questions...
Goals in life: I would like to continue my education even further. I do enjoy my current job, but I’d like to explore other fields of interest before I commit to one career. Most of all I hope to be of sound mind and body one day.
Favorite quote/lyric/saying & why ( not from Phantom ;) ):
Sometimes, I'm terrified of my heart
How its constant hunger for whatever that it is it wants
The way it stops...
...and starts - Poe, Terrified Heart
What do you feel is your best quality?: My heart.
What color would you say you are and why?: That’s tough. There are many different facets to my personality which would imply several different colors. Mainly I think that I’m a pink individual - kindness, passiveness, femininity. I think I have parts to me that are darker than pink, though.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: It’s a big thing to accomplish, but I would snuff out the hate and prejudice that comes with people judging.
Food: I love food. I might choose the ‘make your own stir fry’ option at Stir Crazy. Or maybe a really good pasta dish like my secret spaghetti recipe. I’m also crazy about fresh fruits. Dark chocolate tops the list no matter what, of course.
Book: House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski, hands down. It’s got a good mix of drama, mystery, and sex. I also like Chuck Palahniuk’s writing in general.
Animal: As far as individual animals go, I adore my dog. A genre of animals? I’d choose sea animals. They have an aura of mystery because we don’t see them on dry land. From tube worms to dolphins to coral to manatees, they’re all pretty awesome.
Movies: My favorite movie is Der Krieger und Die Kaiserin (The Princess And The Warrior). It’s a dark love story involving a man who has been broken by the suicide of his wife and a self-sacrificing psychiatric nurse. She is hit by a bus and nearly dies, but he saves her. On the way to the hospital she pulls a button from his jacket and tracks him down using that. That isn’t the end, of course. There’s much more to it. It’s beautiful.
Music: I like orchestral music, strings especially. As far as contemporary music goes, I’m a big fan of Poe, PJ Harvey, Rasputina, Portishead, Hooverphonic, and Tori Amos. Any artist or band that have an ethereal sound. I’m a fan of somber lyrics, too. Anything that goes deeper than the norm...
This or That
Implusive or Cautious: Generally I use caution, but I have moments when I act on impulse.
Leader or Follower: Ah, neither. I like to think of myself as a reluctant leader.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I’m almost evenly balanced, but I find myself leaning towards pessimism.
Mature or not so mature: Mature. Some people I know say I matured too quickly.
Pleasure or Sacrifice: Sacrifice, if I am sacrificing for someone I love or care about deeply.
Confident or Shy: Shy
Kind or Selfish: Kind, I think.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted for certain.
And even more this/that
Love or Passion: Love isn’t love with at least a spark of passion. I don’t think that you can have one without the other.
Hate or Honour: Hm... It differs with individual situations, but mostly I choose honour.
Rule or Be Ruled: I don’t want to do either, but if I was forced to choose I would prefer to be ruled.
Giver or Taker: Giver, mostly.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium leaning towards high, if that makes sense.
Phantom of the Opera:
Favorite character ? The Phantom, naturally
Least Favorite character ? There’s no character that I really don’t like. I hate to sound wishy washy like that, but it’s true.
Favorite song from it? The Point of No Return, oddly enough. Or maybe All I Ask of You. I can’t choose between those two.
Why do you love the Phantom of the Opera? I like a good, dark romance, but also because of the music.