Name: Tiffany
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Location: Florida
Zodiac/Birth Sign: Virgo
Height: 5' 3 1/2"
Eyes: Green/gray
Hair (Color/Length): Past shoulder thick blonde hair that's currently colored reddish
Hobbies: Reading, singing, playing guitar, studying, going online, cooking, hanging at church with my friends, writin
Likes: Music (any and all kinds), disney movies, anime, friends, kind people, love, family, nature, wind, books, mysteries, action-adventure flicks, parks, lakes, playgrounds, literature, politics, biolgy, physics, dance, Broadway, acting
Dislikes: People with the following traits - spoiled, arrogant, proud, better-than-everyone-else, politcal corruption, my friends/family in pain (physical/emotional/mental)
Strong points: Determined, strong, strong-willed, caring, friendly, good listener, honest, loyal, free-spirited, loving
Weaker points: I get depressed easily and tend to go emo and cling to people around a little too much. I also procrastinate. On top of that, I have a temper.
Can you sing? Yes, for my age I sing fairly well as a high soprano. The only PotO songs I can't sing is the very ends of 'Prima Donna' and 'The Phantom of the Opera'
Can you dance? I have the talent, yes, but no money for formal lessons. When I get a job, I plan on learning.
Can you play a musical instrument(s)? Yes, I play guitar and a little bit of piano.
Can you perform/act? Yes, and I plan to make a career out of it. If you search in my journal (I'm not making this up), my dream is to play Christine on Broadway. Why? I can relate to her in more ways than one.
Are you creative/artistic? I would say so. I draw and write and have been told that I have definate talent in both areas.
Are you good with managing money? When I have money, that is, lol. My weak spot? Spoiling my friends.
Color: Blue/black/silver
Smell: Fresh air
Place: The park/church
Music: Anything and everything
(Do you act on) Impulse or thinking things through? both
Mind over heart or heart over mind? depends on the situation
Fame or fortune? fame
Selfishness or selflessness? selflessness
If you knew you'd be trapped in the cellar of The Opera House, what 5 things would you bring?
boat, internet, flashlight, coat, radio
Describe yourself in one word: free-spirited
Got any dreams or aspirations? to play christine on broadway
What would you say is your motto? no one can make you feel inferior unless you let them
Out of curiousity, how did you find this community? through
animated_beauty Anything else? no...
Please attach at least 1 clear photo of yourself behind an LJ-cut: