Name: Cheryl
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Location: Derby
Zodiac/Birth Sign: Taurus
Height: 5'1"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Short And Black
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Singing
Likes: Singing, Reading, Writing, Manga, Anime, Japan
Dislikes: Liars, Bees, Spiders
Strong points: I am very determined once I set my mind to something, as long as it is something that I am interested in, enough so to get past my attention problems.
Weaker points: Head strong, bad temper, making decisions without really thinking about it.
Can you sing? Yes
Can you dance? Yes
Can you play a musical instruments? Yes; Flute, Guitar, And Piano
Can you perform/act? Yes
Are you creative/artistic? Yes
Are you good with managing money? No
Color: Black
Smell: Cherry Blossoms
Place: Japan
Music: Jrock
Impulse or thinking things through? I often tend to act on impulse. My mind panics sometimes and then I am just left with instinct. I often follow my first thought, even if it doesn't seem very logical. So, I will say that I act very much on impulse.
Mind over heart or heart over mind? Heart over mind. I believe that there is no greater power than love. Love is a very special thing and it creates a certain strength that not too many people had before. So long as I love, I can do anything.
Fame or fortune? Fame. I would rather be remembered and adored by people who admire what I have done throughout my life than have a hollow happiness as a rich person.
Selfishness or selflessness? Selflessness. I am a very generous, caring person. I believe that you should always help others before you think of yourself. I care too much about my loved ones, friends, and even strangers to not look after those who need help.
If you knew you'd be trapped in the cellar of The Opera House, what 5 things would you bring?
My Flute.
My Voice.
A Candle.
A Book.
A Canvas And Brushes.
Describe yourself in one word: Peculiar.
Got any dreams or aspirations? Well, I have yet to decide what I want to do with my life. I have so many options ahead of me, so I suppose that my only goals are to achieve what I want to do. To keep setting my standards higher and higher, and eventually achieve everything that I ever dreamed of. When I decide on a job or a course to put my life on, I suppose that this goal will change, but for now, it is merely to do my best.
What would you say is your motto? Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.
Out of curiousity, how did you find this community? Interest Search.
Anything else? My personality is like two sides of the same coin. On one side: Cheerful, happy, kind, friendly, even hyper sometimes I'm easy to entertain. I don't know when to stop and shut my mouth and sometimes over do it. On the other side: Mad, screaming, yelling, and a particularly good hurtful vocabulary. I have anger issues as I've mentioned before. It is not a pretty side of my personality but it is there all the same so I might as well tell you that it's very dark and filled with layer upon layer of malice. This side of me is the side that likes to hold grudges and throw things with surprisingly good aim at people's faces.
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