{one-shot} Sing of your love

Jul 07, 2009 17:57

Sing of your love
→ Jonghyun/Key; PG-13
We can't always express ourselves just by talking.

He’s a rebel. Hair dyed orange, like the sun when it sets. His body is covered with the latest Japanese street fashion. He skips class to listen to music on the rooftop. Sometimes he’s dancing. He says school’s a waste of time.

I’m Kim Jonghyun. Hair dyed brown, but you can hardly notice the difference. I wear my uniform, but I loosen my tie and pull out my shirt. I skip class to sing on the rooftop. Sometimes I’m writing. I say school’s waste of time.

We pass each other everyday. When I arrive, he leaves. Sometimes he arrives when I leave. We acknowledge each other, nod and smile. It’s hard not to be curious about him. We’re the only ones that ever come to the roof. From time to time, I really want to watch what he does, get to know him.

But in reality, we are nothing to each other. We actually never saw each other in school before. He must be younger than me.

Curiosity eventually got me. I start to leave gum wrappers on the ground. Inside the wrapper, I wrote random scribbles, mostly parts of lyrics that I wrote. My favorite wrapper said:

I thoughtlessly walk wherever my heart takes me.
It seems I am looking for anyone that looks similar to you.

When I first left the gum wrappers, I was scared and nervous. Scared that he might think I’m lame (I sort of am), nervous about the fact that he might actually read them. I really thought that he wasn’t going to notice - they are just plain gum wrappers. But when I came back, the wrappers were all gone. At first, I thought it was the wind or something that blew it away, so I started to leave more. They were gone every time I went back.

I notice now that when we pass each other, he’d look at me longer or something. I can’t put my finger on it. I just know the feeling between us is a bit different now.

“Hey…” His eyes meets mine and I’m caught off guard. He’s leaning against the wall, next to the door. Was he waiting for me?

“Hi…” The atmosphere is a bit awkward. I find myself still staring at him. I never had a chance to get a good look at his face. His features are sharp - dark eyebrows, high cheekbones, and plump lips. He smiles and shows a set of brightly white teeth. It’s almost…beautiful?

“Do you mind if I stay up here? I don’t feel like clubbing today.” I feel my heart rate speed up.


He smiles again and walks over to the center. He fixes his clothes before he sits down. “I’m Kibum.”

“Jonghyun.” I position myself on the ground, right next to him. “Do you want me to sing anything?” I really don’t know why I asked that. The atmosphere is still awkward.

“How ‘bout your favorite song?”

The transition from nothing to something came almost too naturally. It didn’t take much time until he stopped going clubbing and starts watching me sing.

As for the gum wrappers, he kept all of them. He rolled some up and throw them at me. It annoyed me until I realize that they were my gum wrappers. “I got a boxful at home.” That’s what he told me. He actually kept all of them. “I like them.” That was his explanation.

I’m thankful for an audience, well for him to be my audience. He always compliments me, saying how my voice soothes his mind. He says, “You know Jjong, I feel like you understand me.” I wasn’t so sure of that myself, but I had a gut feeling that I do understand him.

He likes to dance for me and sometimes he even sings with me, but he tells me he thinks he raps better than he sings.

We have a little secret, just for us to know. He brought in the gum wrappers and showed me something he realized at home. He pieced some of them together. “Look, they form lyrics.” And you bet they did. I was so excited about this. We sat on the roof for a whole day, trying to pick out gum wrappers and piece them together. It came out to a beautiful song, our song.

I guess we weren’t very good with words. We always chose to express ourselves musically.

When your words become notes on my paper,
Your voice becomes a melody to my soul,
You become my music, my destiny.
Until my last breath, you are my love, a sweet melody.
Baby, I could sing of your love forever.

He takes off the right side of his headphones and sticks it into my ear. We are watching clouds, waiting for the sun to set. Now we are drowned in a love song. And then I realize. I place my hands on his lap and gaze into his eyes. When that familiar smile creeps onto his face, all the pieces fall into place. Everything feels right. He knows what I’m thinking because he leans in and gracefully paces his head on my shoulder. Our fingers find their way to each other and lace together.

“Thank you.” I just want to let him know.

“I know,” he whispers.

He attacks me with a video camera, all grins and smiles. “I want to record you. So sing for me. Right now!” How can I refuse such a direct request?

“You’re famous,” he tells me. “You have fan girls!”


“I secretly put the videos on the internet,” he looks away. “I hope you don’t get mad. I didn’t want your talent to be wasted.”

I don’t know how to react. I’m a bit excited, nervous, and embarrassed all at one time.

“People like you! They even think you’re cute. You’re going to get signed to a big company and be a famous singer.”

“Kibum, I don’t want the fame.” I just want to sing for you.

“No. You do! You want it. You don’t need to be stuck here in this hellhole. You can do so much more.” His eyes are glistening, light reflecting off of them.

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Take out your camera.”


“Just give it to me.” He hands me the camera and I turn it on. “Now get up.”

He stands up and I do the same. “Jjong, what are you doing?”

“Dance for me Kibum. I’m not gonna let you leave me alone with this fame business.” He doesn’t move. “Please?”

We are in on this together. There’s no Jonghyun without Kibum. We are Jongkey, J★K, dancing-singing fabulous duo. We decide to just do this for fun, for us.

And to think it all started with a bit of curiosity.

It’s my last year in school. We are laying on the rooftop, watching the clouds and waiting for the sun to set. Our fingers are linked and we are just enjoying the sound of the wind.

“I think we’re the best combination.”

When your words become notes on my paper.
“Of course. I can’t see myself without you.”

Your voice becomes a melody to my soul.
“You know how I feel right, Jjong?”

You become my music, my destiny.
“I love you too.”

Until my last breath, you are my love, a sweet melody.
“Thank you for everything, Jonghyun.”

Baby, I could sing of your love forever.
“No, thank you Kibum.”

I could sing of your love forever.

Awwww? XD A bit on the cheesy side. Just wanted write this when I was being forced to listen to worship songs @ volunteering.

!fanfic, !oneshot, p: jonghyun/key

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