This has been sitting on my computer for a while now. Call it hesitance b/c I struggled with this vid constantly and school has not allowed me to post any new work in the last few months. Anyway, here's my second attempt on Sony Vegas. I hope you all enjoy it. Comments are greatly appreciated.
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Comments 77
It was stunning and beautiful, excellant editing, such an emotional video
All the Doctors companions were special too him and you can see in the clips you chose how much they meant to him and how sad he was to be alone again
Great too that you showed how much family meant to him in terms of losing a fellow timelord and a daughter
DT playing the Doctor when he is emotionally vulnerable is some of the best acting on tv
Will be downloading it to watch over and over
BTW check out my vids on Youtube under Romana55 :)
it nice when all assistents are included because those vids are rare..
It is rare to see vids where more than one companion is included. But I really wanted to include all 3 of the girls b/c they were so amazing and important.
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