Title: The Wonder Author: pharmduh Characters: Booth/Brennan Rating: K Spoilers: Nothing specific, maybe "Aliens in a Spaceship" Summary: She's never had much use for poetry.
Um yeah....you rock!! This was great! I really love your little ficlets :D.
I especially loved the last couple lines: It might have not been love, not really; she would not presume to know either way. But it was real. And that was all that mattered to her.
So fitting. So honest. So true to Brennan's character.
Thanks, I'm glad it seemed "very Brennan". Just got into reading poetry (here at exceptindreams.livejournal.com) and that one really stuck with me, it's lyrical and beautiful and expressive all at the same time.
Aww, thank you so much! My Valentine's Day was spent gorging myself on chocolate haha (seriously, I don't know where it all went) but in a good way because it made me happy, much like your feedback.
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great one. :o)
I love this. Thank you for making Valentine's Day more romantic than my actual day has any hope of being. You had me when she leaned her head on his shoulder. All of it was IC and lovely.
Comments 13
I especially loved the last couple lines: It might have not been love, not really; she would not presume to know either way. But it was real. And that was all that mattered to her.
So fitting. So honest. So true to Brennan's character.
Great job! :D
(The comment has been removed)
Thank you for reading! :o)
Sometimes he made her so dizzy that she couldn’t bring herself to stop.
That is astounding - I adore that but I adore all of it.
Happy Valentine's Day to you too :)
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great one. :o)
I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the feedback and for reading.
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