Characters: The Batman, Open
Where: New York--->Gotham
When: a couple of days or a week after the new arrangement
Summary: The Batman has arrived in town, boys. Let's play nice while he explores his new surroundings...not.
Warnings: Not at the moment, but definitely likely?
The Batman was a little more than simply "upset" at the recent development in his life. Not only did he feel as though there were a whole couple of months missing from his memory--despite the fact that the dates from one day to the next matched up perfectly as they should--the dark vigilante had suddenly found himself thrust into this mess with a whole new world. Appearances told him he was simply in New York once he got away from the initial room and following complex he'd found himself in without warning. Of course, even that assessment seemed off somehow. He realized what it was when he discovered whole buildings were out of place and once he got so far it wasn't even New York anymore.
He headed in another direction; he didn't recognize the landscape out that way.
Eventually he found places of familiarity: pieces of Gotham. They also seemed mismatched. But at least it was more familiar than the rooftops of New York (although a rooftop was a rooftop a part of him told the other, more grumpy half). He began running along them, hopping from one to the other, and gliding where it was impossible to do the former two. His eyes kept a constant lookout beneath him and around him, searching. Searching for trouble to alleviate, and searching for points of interest that would help him memorize the new layout of...his apparently new home.