[Thread] The Flinch in Your Eye Calls Your Bluff || Closed

Jun 17, 2009 16:51

Characters: Dante, The Princess (Anti-Helena)
Where: DMC city (iow, the section of city that is from Tony's world)
When: today more or less, nighttime
Summary: Dante's checking out his city familiar territory. The Princess just happens to be around to catch his eye.
Warnings: Probably language, possibly violence.

Dante walked down the city streets with an easy step. This place was familiar--this was the city that he'd set up shop in and began his devil hunting career. This was as close to home as Dante was likely to find in this bizarre place.

For the most part it was just like any other major city with towering skyscrapers and pudgy warehouse districts and even a suburb or two on the outskirts. It was nice enough looking on the outside, perhaps a bit more clean than New York where the officials kept up the hardy appearance. But where Dante usually roamed it was more like the typical Bronx or Hell's Kitchen or any other of those down and dirty New York districts. There a person could find refuse and dirt just about anywhere constant movement didn't sweep it free.

Besides the cleaner inner streets there was only one other thing to truly note about the city: though it appeared just as normal as any other on the outside, hidden beneath the vestiges of normal human sight there lurked an underlying darkness. A constant aura of something shadowy and dark waiting just beneath the surface, waiting for its chance to enter into the real world. A darkness emanating from Hell itself.

Dante could feel it as he continued his confident stride. He could feel the shadows watching him, curious and frightened at the same time, for his reputation preceded him even and especially in the demonic world. They were lower level demons for the most part, he could tell without even bothering to look, which he didn't. Things to be ignored--for now. He did not like the evil things infiltrating his city. His city. It was his, he'd claimed it, kept the shadows from overrunning it, and kept them from coming back. This place seemed different from where he'd come from before getting tracked to this 'Phase' place. This 'Ringworld'. ...Perhaps it was Tony's version of the city? Wait, did that make any sense?

Dante didn't know, and for the time being he didn't care. He could worry about that later, too. Just like the shadows that he was ignoring now but would eventually go around hunting when he felt like getting to it. Right now he just wanted to explore. See how much of the city was here, and how much was still perfectly familiar. So he ignored the countless "eyes" watching him and simply kept on walking without a care in the world.

dante, the princess

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