Where: The Complex
When: Presently
Summary: The computer has suddenly gone screwy. What can be done?
Security Error Detected
Confirm and Restart Required
It blinked on every computer terminal, and refused any access. And one by one, system by system, the complex was shutting down. First went the transporters, then the replicators, then the lights, then some of the doors. There was no telling what would go next. The power? The heat? Whatever kept this thing spinning? It was anyone's guess. But whatever the cause, there was no doubt that when the huge obelisk of the inner ring slowly moved between the complex and its star, it was going to be very dark, indeed.
The majority of lights which remained glowed emergency red in the conference room; the hologram of the ring was replaced by the same words, hovering menacingly in red, repeating in various languages. There was no wild alarm warning of imminent doom, just a quiet, intense urgency that increased with every blink of the cryptic message.