If you read this, (even if i don't speak to you often,) you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened. [Then post this to your journal to see what people remember about you.]
Well today was alright. I went and helped Laird with some stuff at the house. I love his dad. I got to ride in the Model A. Its pretty cool and much roomier than I would have thought. I made fifteen bucks helping Matt so that was cool. Nothing else much happened today.
Damn Spring Break being all short and over! Fucking......Knuckles!
Nothing like not being able to do much of what you did on the playground as a kid to make you feel fat. I went to our old playground with spat, kyle, and matt. It was fun except I got some massive plastic burn from the slide.
I just realized that I have to do some PDM so I'm out.
So I'm really pissed off right now because I just found out that I have to get braces on a few of my bottom teeth again. He says it won't be for long but when I first got them he said it would be 6 months. It ended up being about 6 years. So basically the whole wisdom teeth surgery didn't do much because my teeth still moved. Fucking great!