deffinitly the fucking best shit uve written, hits me super deep cause i can feel exactly what your writting about. but u still have to bang those chicks on ur floor hehe
Pat, I hate to sound like an asshole, but grow up. Move on. Yes, she dumped you. Big fucking deal! Get over her. You may have loved her, you may love her still. That's never going to go away. But you can ignore it. Create a vault in your mind, and throw everything about her in there. That way, you won't feel like a worthless piece of shit all the time. There are plenty of girls, even at GT. You just have to find the ones that don't care too much about the physical appearance of a guy. Cuz, as we all know, we ain't the best-lookin' guys at GT. You'll find one eventually. Just stop lookin', and she'll find you. If you need advice, I'm usually on AIM. Just IM me, whenever you manage to tear yourself away from that soul-sucking game.
Just so you know I wasn't all emotastical/emotional when I wrote that. I just felt like putting something up here, and I just started typing. I thought that for the most part it sounded pretty cool, and on a friend's suggestion I posted it instead of leaving it the private entry it was before. I actually didn't intend to draw any response, positive or negative. Just thought I'd pop open a door into my brain for a little while. That's how I feel. No emphasis on any individual part was meant, that's just how the words went from my brain to my fingertips.
I'm sorry shit in your life is so messed up and I sympathize, but just remember that you aren't the only one that feels like they were born with the wrong fate. And BECAUSE it's just how the words came out of your head, that kinda proves how you REALLY do feel. Shitty lives are inevitable; it's a trademark of our generation. We all have to deal with it in different ways, and on some level, I think you are lucky that you can verbalize the shit in your life. Believe it or not, I deal with the same shittiness that you do across the board from family to friends to relationships to life in general. The difference is that you have the capability of expressing your problems to friends who will support you, whether by comfort or a sharp kick in the ass ;). Many, including myself, don't have that luxury, and are forced to keep it in and just deal with it on our own, because dealing with stuff would hurt more than we can probably handle. So consider yourself at least partially lucky that on some level you feel comfortable enough with
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his problem is that there doesn't seem to be another chick to replace her. you're only lucky if the chick finds you, but the fact is, you have to quit brooding over the past.
the fact that so many people brood over how awful life is just pisses me off. you're fuckin alive, and we live in a society where you can do as you please. life is fuckin good
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Again, I just felt like writing some shit down. I'm not trying to cry out for help or anything. I patricularly enjoy my wake up-eat-class-work-wow-sleep existence. removes all the extranneous bullshit from life. I know I have control over my life, sean. I also know that I have absolutely no motivation to fix any of it. My only motivation anymore is to get my folks to shut the fuck up. That is it. Fin. I have all this crap I want to do with my life but I have ZERO drive and don't know how the hell to get it back. I dunno I think school is just a total burnout for me right now. So, in the meantime, I'll just play more WoW because I for some really fucked up reason have a bigger sense of accomplishment from that than making an A on a test or anything like that. I see a grade and my first thought is my parent's reaction. It's a really fucking lame way to live but I don't see many reasons/ways to get out of it. Just saying fuck it isn't exactly easy y'know. Actions speak louder than words, and doing is harder than saying.
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