(no subject)

Jul 21, 2012 00:36

Okay so this is my guide.

What you can do here:
1. Notice how i suck at my grammar and be okay with that.
2. Get to know some of my basic working progress stages.

►General Icon Thing.
So some of you asked me about the way tese icons were made:


So wonder no further. i shall go a step by step with you with somethink like this:


[yeah may be not the best icon of mine but let us pretend we are here to catch up with the new things and not to judge. Well i said let's pretend.]
  • First of all two main things you should understand with my latest icons - I merge {SHIFT+AKT+CTRL+E} and brush/erase A LOT! So be prepared.
  • Your Brush opacity should be something around 30-40% almost all of the time, and you Eraser Opacity will have two states - ~30 for the Lighting and ~70 for the Sharpening.
1.  This >>> 

We have chosen a nice almost central crop. Nice. Now we can go and have some mint tea and eat a buiscuit.
2. We need to understand the way the light thing is going on in that pic and enhance it with the new layer and a nice soft brush.

 the blob itself looks like this 

Another cup of tea?
3. We merge the layers and set the new one to Multiply.


See those deep colours? Yeap we're going to have them so good by the end of this thing.
4.Make our Blob layer invisible or just delete it. We don't need it any more. It adds too much light to the overall picture.


No more tea before the sharpening is done!
5. The greatest step of all. You make your new layers between the base and the on set to Multiply and use your light blob magic there. 



The thing is this is where you start working on the light in your icon. You shouldn' t be afraid to use that Brush tool, because you can and should always use your Eraser at the same time. Double/Triple clicks, swift movements whatever works for you and your icon.  

6. MERGE ALL THE LAYERS! And set new layer to Soft Light.


7. Remember that sexy 5th step. Let's do it once more but this time we're making those blobs on the layers between the one on Multiply and Soft Light.



8. Sharpening. MERGE ALL THE LAYERS! Filter >>> Sharpen hat Layer. 


And now you make your Eraser soft and  small ~5-10 with opacity ~70% and carefully erase all the waaay too sharpen things.

 with the erasing going something like this >>> 

Now you can have another cup of tea.


added some Selective Colouring/Coloured blobs on Soft Light and a levels adjustment layer. 

►General Text Thing.
1. You should know and use this window every time you put text to your icon.

  • 1.1 Font Size.
  • 1.2 Size of the break between the lines in one text layer.
  • 1.3 Size of the break between the letters.
  • 1.4 All CAPS button for a text layer.
2. Always Rasreize your text [right click on a text layer >>> Rasterize layer] before moving it one way or another.
3. Blur your your text, but don't forget to Edit >>> Fade Blur right after the Blurring to adjust the visibility of your text.
4. Use the colours you already have in your icon, and then just adjust them to make them pop up a bit.


5. You can copy that text layer you already have, colour it black/white/any other colour in the world, and move that bottom text layer 1-2 pixels away.


6. Don't forget that your text layer is just another layer and you can erase some parts of it whenever you want.


7. Tiny text is your friend.


Just make a text layer with all caps a size ~2-3 and ~200 pixel space between those letter [1.3 at the first picture] and play with it [erase/clone/move]

a bit of FONT LOVE!

The Kabel || Elephant || itsadzoke || Engineering Plot || JMPosterSolid || EpsilonCTT || File || Tusj || Kabos Gyula || Felix Titling || face your fears || Magrilinha || Matilde || Enigmatic Unicode

And if anyone has any question left ask away! :D



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