Here's the list of
puka_pudge affiliates!
All the affiliates are listed in alphabetical order.
(*) Sample icons for
989240 here:
(*) Sample icons for
anocea here:
Sample icons for
bases_by_maggie here:
Sample icons for
bella_sol (inactive) here:
Sample icons for
bloodstnedtears here:
(*) Sample icons for
dawn_of_spring here:
Sample icons for
folique here:
(*) Sample icons for
freedomofheart here:
Sample icons for
fromthewind here:
Sample icons for
icontraption here:
(*)Sample icons for
inspireoncemore here:
Current makers:
tempered_rose, and
phchiu Sample icons for
idiotxbeauty here:
Sample icons for
innovativer (inactive) here:
(*) Sample icons for
lesbarricades here:
(*) Sample icons for
lyckaa here:
Sample icons for
max_exposure here:
Sample icons for
pikkupenguin here:
Sample icons for
prelude_of_dawn (on hiatus) here:
Sample icons for
querita here:
Sample icons for
roxicons here:
Sample icons for
sunlitdays here:
Sample icons for
thepurplelily here:
Sample icons for
traintomidnight here:
(*) Sample icons for
vaguelyunpoetic here:
(*) Sample icons for
vostog here:
(*) Sample icons for
wild_plums here:
(*) = Active
puka_pudge members! Therefore, I extra encourage you guys to check them out and show them love!
Icon advertising communities:
graphic_keepers **
lesfavoris (very cool!)
bbannersfashiconsphotoconssimplelimit** = Created and ran by
puka_pudge's very own maker,
bellajunior! Highly recommended.
Comment below to become an affiliate, add your icon samples to the list if yours are missing, or if you simply just want something changed!