Vaction Ambitions

Sep 13, 2007 04:32

First thing first--get some allergy meds. As much as I'm falling for fall, these waterworks are disgusting!

Last time I took a vacation I was really, really, really ambitious about it and it ended up wearing me out more than anything. So next week, I'm only going to be a little ambitious. :) Besides, I love making lists. I'm just sick like that.

* Sleep in every day (as much as Sage allows) What a kind and considerate lil' monster I have. :) She even slept with Mommy a couple of nights.
* Cuddle with Sage every day
* Do some heavy, heavy writing on my non-YN projects
* Catch up some fanfiction I've severely neglected!
* Read Sage at least five books a day--we've gotten rather behind the past few weeks!
* Catch up on reading & reviewing the tons of awesome R/T fics at LJ and FF
* Have a date day with my husband Lovely date day! And perfect weather.
* Go to at least one movie (would love to see Stardust) Stardust was awesome!
* Rent a bunch of other movies Heroes, Season 1, Disc 1, Norbit, TMNT, Contract, 300, and I Think I Love My Wife. I also saw RV a few days ago on TV which was pretty much crap!
* Go to the library and get:
--something sexy
--something scary
--something funny
--something nonfictional
--a magazine I've never read
--some music I've never heard Now reading it all...that will be the challenge! * I've read Rape: A Love Story by Joyce Carol Oates and Clockwork by Phillip Pullman--both very short but also good.
* Play in the dirt Such a lovely sweat!
* Make/Try 5 new drinks
1. Cosmopolitan 2. Passion Fruit Margarita 3. Pomegranate Margarita 4. Mimosa 5. Orgasm 6. Tom Collins 7. Alabama Fuzz
* Journal at least every other day--though some were in replies to old posts or updating this post ;)
* Get my eyes examined and a new 'script for glasses--next week
* Go to the GYN and find out what the hell is wrong with me!
* Dental fillings--with the nitrous. I'm a dental baby. Cut me open all you want, but you get near my mouth, you best put me out of it. This will have to wait until next pay period, I'm afraid!
* Do some fall blessings
* Don't worry about Sage during her first sleepover ever! (with Grandma...) Sounds like she had a blast!
* Maybe go to the Arnold Days thing? The parade, even? Nope, didn't do that.
* Celebrate Mabon
* Do a couple of rituals I've been meaning to do
* Spend one day doing virtually nothing except playing with Sage
* Spend some hubby/intimate/bedroom/cuddly time--at least a little bit every day
* Call some friends on my list!
* Email others, dangit! I'm becoming the worst friend on the planet.
* Spend some time with my sisters
* Get arty. Finish "Woman King." Maybe start something new Woman king is here and I'm sending the original to the person who inspired it. :)
* Do at least one Mandala
* Catch up on CW101
* Update Magnum Opus but just a bit
* Catch up on Psych work but just a bit there, too
* Catch up on ten billion non-YN emails
* Plan a bit of Connie's b-day hayride, and Sage's b-day
* Plan Connie's and Sage's Halloween costumes
* Paint the bedroom? Nope, doing this next pay period.
* Finish painting kitchen
* Bake something delicious
* Detox for at least two days
* Home facial I :heart: Burt's Bees
* Soak in mom's ginormous tub on Sunday mmmmm... lovely.
* Trim my hair
* Clean up my files
* Update my Rolodex
* Get or make some apple cider/wassail! YUM
* Wash all of the summer linens and get the falls out
* Do one of my programs--any of them! Breathing Box, Brain Kit, YoD, whatever. At least one of them!
* Enter an AllPoetry contest each day
* Reserve pavilion for fam. reunion
* Plan family potluck/day to go through the stuff in the basement
* Try to work out for an entire half hour on Eunice the Steely Bitch from Which There is No Escape at a time each day
* Clean out the hall closet
* Scrub Sage's high chair--or get rid of it altogether!
* Clean out bathroom & meds cabinet
* Clean out silverware drawers
* Clean office
* Get ahead in some SO reading for class
* Massages
* Plan Xmas/Yule stuff/gift lists
* Work on bills
* New music to check out (reccomendations):
--Martha Wainwright (inspired by R/T challenge! :) )
--Lily Allen
--Jimmy Scott
--Jesse Sykes
--Cat Power
--Emma Kirkby
--Kelly Yost
--( your recommendations here!)
* Catch up some letter-writing. It's been a while since P&G and Walmart have heard from me. Heh.
* Order planner and tickets for Rent for my birthday, funds permitting! Bleh, funds do not permit this week. Maybe next month...
* R&R Slept most of all Friday, Saturday, & Sunday nights; double-edged sword that makes me relaxed--but restless! ^-^
* Try not to worry too much I'd say the worry-barometer's been quite low.
* Above all else: Do not check my YN Mail! (I cheated last time, I must shamefully admit. But I did get an emergency call from a partner on day 1, so I think it was fair!) Meh. Already did this. Apologies to all necessary parties.

...and try not to get disappointed when I can't get it all in, LOL!


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