So I don't often post about Lost but I love it and it's back and so:
Lost 5.01 and 5.02. Thoughts under the cut. Spoilery for the eps.
So my thoughts with lost always take the form of QUESTIONS. This is the mail I sent
mel_b_angel after the eps:
why did john have to die
will he be alive again?
why is john important?
what was that business with richard and john all about? i liked the compass giving and the 'it points north' deadpan ness. so i presume they meet again in the past?
how did daniel get to past and why was he there? does the island just skip there?
why is desmond a precious special snowflake? (As
mel_b_angel amusingly put it. BECAUSE HE IS: HE IS DES was my reply.
why was charlotte's nose bleeding?
ana lucia stopping hurley was awesome
can they really not come back? as ben said to jack? you're never coming back? is that true?
they are skipping through time cos of ben moving the wheel i guess, I can't remember why ben did that now. but ther'es no stopping it?
how does daniel know so much? is it suspicious? why do I fancy him so?
who wants aaron? who's launched that case vs. kate?
i loved sawyer looking for a shirt.
and miles being vaguely sarky.
and hurley was funny- about bentham and 'i need a cool nickname'
gabriel and jeffrey are with ben at the butchers - who are they? (and what kind of random sentence have I just written!)
i knew it would be sun meeting kate cos of the posh hotel setting
rose and bernard are always awesome
who are the ppl with fire torches?
is sun telling the truth when she says she doesn't blame kate? i am not sure i trust sun anymore!! I knew hurley would end up taking sayid to jack.
what is ben up to??
i love how hurley isn't clear on the 108 minute button pushing either. and how MAD does it sound when he tells his mom?!
hurley interestingly says the bad stuff is happening cos they shouldnt have LIED not that they shouldn't have LEFT. important?
do we think the weird whispery sounds we've heard before, and them, moving thro time and being in the bushes?
What is Ben REALLY up to?
who is the white haired lady? money on her being Dan's Mum?
How much does your head hurt?
but how much do you love it?