So did anyone get any good pictures of me at Pride Sunday? I was the ponygirl with the Goth contingent. I have 1.25 pictures...I know there has to be more. I couldn't turn around without a camera pointed at my, or the other, I was photographed dammit! *snicker*
I got this one from
butterfliblu...but I'm moving so it's all wonky
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Comments 20
Was great to see you and hang a bit.
Luscious boobs! (even without sprinkles)
Oh my goodness, I wished I could have talked more and partied a bit, but....I had a BIT IN MY MOUTH!! *LOL* What fun! Lost you at the festival though. :( I sat down for a good long while and cooled off and let my tootsies recover. My arms were drenched. Did you get that site with the pictures I sent you? Great pictures of you guys!
I lost everyone at the festival. And Alex was being a jerk as he'd outrun his niceness quota. We left almost right away.
Frig I can only imagine how hot you were. And your son is such a cutie!
No, I didn't get an email from you at all!
Is that the first time you had seen Jory? Isn't he the cutest! You would have totally had a mad crush on him back in the day, I just know it. *hee hee* I'm heading to bed now...I'm just getting too silly. =P
So glad you had fun!!!
I haven't posted in a while and I forgotted how to. *spank me!*
(Damn hot, too!)
I was just about to ask if you'd had a good time, but that was *obviously* the case. Good for you!
Oh, and P.S.: YUM!
Can't wait for some other pics too. No worries, I'll share. You're a naughty boy, go to my room!! *g*
Glad the healing's going well.
Hee! But should I bring the greasepaint, or the bit & bridle? Oh, decisions, decisions!
Thank you, hun. And congratulations on your job! Yay!
We WILL be doing photoshoots soon and We'll improve upon this outfit...oh yes we will. *evil cackle* Chuck has the mad rope skills yo!
We can have lunchies and plot! *yae!!!* thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou
How's the kiddo? And I LOVE your hair all long and smexy!! Don't know if I've mentioned that already, but it's great!
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