You will suffer my art!
Dom, slash, random fanart stuff, chibis, Dom, Dom pop-art... Notice a pattern? ;)
begin with graphic slash...
This is me doing my worst. Well, technically it's Dom and Viggo doing their worst, by whatever...
Charlie/Sawyer. In a cave. Nope, no reason.
MWAHAHAHA look at that! *Well chuffed* Dom getting well and truley rodgered by the delicious Joshie Holloway. Who's hair went odd. And by the way Dom's is black because... Well, I could say I just wanted to see what he'd look like with black hair (good as it happens) but no. My reference picture had black hair and I wasn't paying attention. *Shh* Don't tell anyone!
Cute little merry/Pip cartoon I'm rather proud of. You need to fullview it ^^; This is also why I'm an expert on drawing hobbit ears. Sad ain't it.
Ain't he cute? Lij as an angel from my fic, Even Heaven Has it's Hell, which you'll find... In my journal! A) Too lazy to link and B) This way you have to look through the rest of my journal! Heehee *evil plottage*
Nother Heaven/Hell. Oh yeah, did I mention it's a spoiler? Oh well, please go read it, it's one of my favourites and I'm quite proud! ^^
Um, no, this isn't a fic illustration. Just Dom being randomly tortured. By Lij. Yup, I'm aware I'm a sick puppy.
Merry/Pippin. KAWAII! (If I do say so myself ;D) Backstory: Me and my rape victim (AKA best friend) Froggy were Roleplaying, this great one called Shonen-ai House, which is like Big Brother, except they're all bishis, and the tasks are things like (most recently) not being allowed to eat unless it's off someone else's chest. XD YOu ge tthe idea. And what this has to do with htis picture (vaguely) is that I decided one of the bishi's (Sawyer) should chuck his uke Quatre (Gundam Wing cuteness!) under the chin. I gave it to Froggy and she randomly came out with (as she does) "I can picture Merry doing that to Pippin." I of course spent the next ten mintues writhing on the floor, head splitting open from the sheer adorableness of that mental image. ^^ Not as cute as I pictured, but I rather like it.
Dom being tortured. Again. By Billy this time! ^^ Who I'm aware looks nothing like Billy... I also get that it looks a little lame putting boxer son Dom, but gimmi a break, I'm 15! I'm not up to drawing dicks yet. Though a wonderful fic called 'The Shop Around the Corner by the lovely "spikessweetgirl" has me sorely tempted! Go, read, be happy! ^^
First attmpt. Domlijah. Bit crap.
CHARLIEEE! (I've done better ^^;)
I have less then no idea what the Dom pop-art is in aid of.
Ph33r my chibis and their ickly goodness! Merry, Charlotte (a character of mine who stlakers Charlie), Morag (a character of mine who goes to Hogwarts, wears a DriveSHAFT T-shirt, shacks up with Aragorn for a while and generally kicks butt!) and Duo (Gundam Wing! *Swings from his plait*)
Chew on that! (That mainly being aimed at the bitch who told me my stuff looks like a four year-olds crayon attempt.) :( Well I think this is rather good so narf!
Inspired by a Johnny Depp version: What would happen if all of Ewan McGregor's characters met! Ok... *deep breathe* left to right, Christian from Moulin Rouge, Sky Masterson from Guys & Dolls (God he was good!), Kurt Wild from Velvet Goldmine (Ewan+tight leather pants= love), Obi Wan Kenobi from Phantom Menace, Dean from Blue Juice, Obi Wan from Attack of the Clones, Robert from A Life Less Ordinary (with teh phunkeh shirt!), Renton from Trainspotting (shame on you if that was new news) and FINALLY! Alex Law from Shallow Grave. I want his wooly socks. I just made a rather bad typo. Accidentally hitting the key down-left of S when putting SOCKS. Dear me...
I like this for some reason. Usually I suck buttcake on paint, so the eyes are an accomplishment for me!
I found the Lost logo boring. And when Phen is bored, bad things follow...
And two hours later, I really can't be arsed to upload any more right now. I will. Maybe. If anyone asks. *Le sigh*