Grr... aggro... need coffee...

Apr 30, 2004 11:12

And in other wonderful news from the far reaches of Camberwell, I discovered why two different real estate companies were trying to contact me yesterday afternoon...

Our unit is going on the market. I missed a call on my mobile sometime in the afternoon (I'd left it charging at my desk and was probably doing work somewhere else), and then received a really weird call from the normal real estate company asking, "Has such-and-such contacted you yet?" None the wiser, like (Earnest) Jack Worthing in that play by Oscar Wilde, I avowed that I knew nothing. Then on my way to ROCS rehearsal, the other real-estate paras^H^H^H^H^H guy called up, so I told him I was running late and to call me back the next day. In the mean time I called back the company our lease is with, and it turns out the landlord has engaged a completely different real estate company to handle selling the unit.

Oh, joy. So I expect we'll be giving a month's notice and moving somewhere closer into the city; Emma's now got a job down in Collins Street, so Carlton is looking more and more attractive, all of a sudden.

(Owing to this morning's news, you've been spared a long discussion of the ROCS rehearsal last night :-)
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