Hehe, I often get the impression that there's not a lot of filtering going on when you say things. For me I think there are degrees of filtering and preparation depending on the situation, especially when it's something fraught and emotional like an argument. Then I'll make a conscious decision not to say the first thing that pops into my head as it'll invariably be reactionary and inflammatory. I'll give myself time to mull it over and think of a more calm and reasoned thing to say instead. So I guess it depends on the situation, my emotions and the emotions of the person I'm talking to, although if I'm feeling shy on a particular day I'll rehearse what I'm going to to say to someone in my head before actually saying it, to make sure it's ok. That'd be even for everyday things, like asking for a chicken roll in the bakery or something.
Hehe, I often get the impression that there's not a lot of filtering going on when you say things.Is that the specific you or the generic you - damned linguistic duality... :) Trying to figure out if you're calling me a tactless gobshite
( ... )
Weeeeell, a little more tact sometimes might be a good thing :-) The instinct thing is interesting, although I've never given it a lot of thought. I think I tend to overanalyse things, so anything instinctual gets incorporated into a big load of thinking that comes along afterwards, rather than being acted upon. Maybe you'd sleep better if you didn't think about stuff like that before you drop off, you should have some time where you don't think about anything remotely stressy before you nod off.
ive noticed that too. my first reaction is often dead on even tho i dont *think* i actually know. My brain has it hidden and spits it out without my interference;-) For me there is a definite procesing lag when discussing things of significance, especially emotional significance as i dont want to say it wrong, but for a lot of stuff my mouth is operating before ive got the brain warmed up. Especially livejournal entries! most of those are exercises in brain dumping, just letting the ideas flow out until they are done with very little preparation. interesting coincidance that you posted this just when ive been curious about something profoundly stupid someone said yesterday and contemplating whether it was a brain free piece of speech or intentional nonsense;-)
ah, LJ is definitely a great cache of reflexive typing, often without thought :) Although I do wonder about the difference between purely reflex responses, and ones with minimal involvement from the brain.
Give them the benefit of the doubt for now, but if it happens again, maybe they're just nonsensical :)
Brain free speech and writing is actually kind of fun - after reading a piece about automatic writing as practiced by the surrealists as a way of tapping the creative depths of the subconscious, every so often I have a session when I just write stuff, and see what emerges. And a few years back when nobody was in the house I did the same with singing, and made some odd songs. The stuff that comes out is truly surprsing and sometimes beautifully profound - among other things it's a good way of clearing all the junk from your mind, as once it's out on paper, it seems like you can forget about it and just concentrate on thiking coherently again....
yea definitely clearing out the brain every now then is worth it, both for the odd treasures you can find and for the extra space for ordinary thought;-) id never thought of making songs that way but it sounds interesting-my best friend makes up songs on the fly when we are jamming just for something to say, some words to play with and they are hilarious. Im not sure if hes just rambling tho or if theres some purpose.
Comments 6
For me I think there are degrees of filtering and preparation depending on the situation, especially when it's something fraught and emotional like an argument. Then I'll make a conscious decision not to say the first thing that pops into my head as it'll invariably be reactionary and inflammatory. I'll give myself time to mull it over and think of a more calm and reasoned thing to say instead. So I guess it depends on the situation, my emotions and the emotions of the person I'm talking to, although if I'm feeling shy on a particular day I'll rehearse what I'm going to to say to someone in my head before actually saying it, to make sure it's ok. That'd be even for everyday things, like asking for a chicken roll in the bakery or something.
For me there is a definite procesing lag when discussing things of significance, especially emotional significance as i dont want to say it wrong, but for a lot of stuff my mouth is operating before ive got the brain warmed up. Especially livejournal entries! most of those are exercises in brain dumping, just letting the ideas flow out until they are done with very little preparation.
interesting coincidance that you posted this just when ive been curious about something profoundly stupid someone said yesterday and contemplating whether it was a brain free piece of speech or intentional nonsense;-)
Give them the benefit of the doubt for now, but if it happens again, maybe they're just nonsensical :)
Brain free speech and writing is actually kind of fun - after reading a piece about automatic writing as practiced by the surrealists as a way of tapping the creative depths of the subconscious, every so often I have a session when I just write stuff, and see what emerges. And a few years back when nobody was in the house I did the same with singing, and made some odd songs. The stuff that comes out is truly surprsing and sometimes beautifully profound - among other things it's a good way of clearing all the junk from your mind, as once it's out on paper, it seems like you can forget about it and just concentrate on thiking coherently again....
id never thought of making songs that way but it sounds interesting-my best friend makes up songs on the fly when we are jamming just for something to say, some words to play with and they are hilarious. Im not sure if hes just rambling tho or if theres some purpose.
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