Photo Ob-servation

Feb 15, 2010 17:01

TitlePhoto Ob-servation
Rating G
Pairing: Scorpius/Rose
Prompt a picture of Amy Adams
Summary just how close to the real thing is a photograph?
AN: written for drcjsnider

Scorpius had been doing it for the last several days and yet it never seemed to get old to him.  It was an experiment of sorts, really.  He just held the photo, picture facing outward, then turned it till the photograph of Rose faced him, studying the photograph’s reaction all the while.  At times she smiled, others she simply rolled her eyes.  On one occasion he’d tried it in rapid succession only to see her skin take on a rather green tinge, which he’d taken as a sign to stop.

It was a fun exercise in general, but he had to wonder if the photograph’s expressions were an extension of Rose’s feelings.  Would the photograph still smile if he were to show it to Damian Smith, whom Rose completely disliked? And what if it did? What did that say about Rose?

He ground his teeth as his mind began to twist itself in knots at all the possibilities. Slowly releasing a breath , Scorpius let his mind settle. It was often said that the most complicated problems sometimes had the simplest of solutions. If he couldn’t get a straight answer from a picture of Rose then perhaps asking Rose herself might be for the best. Taking the photograph’s tentative smile as a sign, Scorpius placed the photo in his pocket and set out to find her.

scorpius malfoy, scorpius/rose, rose weasley

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