Super Britt! :)

Sep 09, 2005 23:52

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is plzbemyplayboy single? no
2) How would plzbemyplayboy conquer the world? by disconnecting everyones car engines
3) What is plzbemyplayboy's favorite game? Surfing online
4) What languages does plzbemyplayboy speak? Sort of English
5) What would plzbemyplayboy do differently in your shoes? She would save money
6) What would plzbemyplayboy give plzbemyplayboy for his/her birthday? A New Computer
7) What animal should plzbemyplayboy be combined with? A Cheetah
8) Does plzbemyplayboy have a dog? Yes a 97 pound one
9) If plzbemyplayboy had a superpower, what would it be? Super Talking
10) Does plzbemyplayboy know plzbemyplayboy? Heck Yeah
11) Which of your friends should plzbemyplayboy go out with? Me, Myself and I ;-)
12) Where did you first meet plzbemyplayboy? Online Baby
13) What animal does plzbemyplayboy remind you of? Kitty Kat
14) Is plzbemyplayboy in a relationship? Yes
15) Is plzbemyplayboy related to plzbemyplayboy? Sho Nuff
16) When did you last call plzbemyplayboy? Um recently
17) Is plzbemyplayboy popular? Sho Nuff
18) Is plzbemyplayboy introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
19) How long have you known plzbemyplayboy? 5 months Me Thinks
20) Where would plzbemyplayboy most like to visit? The Super Super Car Lot of America
21) What is plzbemyplayboy allergic to? Pimp Ass Biatches
22) Does plzbemyplayboy do drugs? Hells No
23) Do you have plzbemyplayboy's screenname? Yes
24) What planet should plzbemyplayboy be from? Venus
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