Title: Afternoon Light Through the Glass of a City Diner
Fandom: Law and Order: Criminal Intent
Characters/Pairing: Bobby Goren, Alex Eames, with a fleeting pinch of Mike Logan
Prompt: For
citymusings’s L - Lunch for
The Alphabet Drabbles Word Count: 100
Rating: K
Summary: Maybe… maybe he’s just tired of being let down by… people… and the department.
Spoilers: Season 7, but mostly Last Rites
Author's Notes: Sigh,
citymusings give me a prompt for Goren and Eames and I still turn it into vaguely a Mike Logan story. *kicks Chris Noth loving muse in pants* With all the juicy Goren and Eames bits this year you’d think I could have written something more… them.
They watched the leather coat swirl as the man wearing it slipped out into the dwindling afternoon light. They were lost in their thoughts until Eames broke the contemplative silence.
“Do you really think he’s leaving the force?”
Bobby turned back to her, a finger pushing at his rapidly cooling fries, “He’s seen a lot of lost. Maybe… maybe he’s just tired of being let down by… people… and the department.”
“Bobby,” fingers curled into his jacket sleeve. “Bobby…”
Fingers covered fingers, “You haven’t let me down. I’m not leaving.”
“Good,” fingers linked as they turned back to their lunches.