my life is full of long stories, so i guess my life is a long story

Aug 08, 2005 15:13

i discussed female bodies with ru-dawg. (i should mention that he called.) american views are so obscured. for example: female humans. american boys want skinny minnies with no sign of puberty's mark. (i shame myself, surely, by unacknowledgeing the sir mix-a-lot's of america. i apologize for that statement, but i will not erase it.)

have you ever thought about people with amputations? i do. then i think about how i am a waste of four limbs.

the other day, when i went to marshalls, i saw kenny from south. he was mum's cashier. he touched my bra's. the whole event offended me. i am such a softie.

i do not call any of my aunts or uncles "aunt so-and-so" or "uncle something-or-other". i kind of think it is offensive to remind them that they are your aunt or uncle as if they are old farts. my point of views are obscured.

my discussion with ru-dawg could have been a great interview/article for the roar (one of south's newspapers), but i guess they shafted me for a reason. (i hate when i say "i guess". that phrase makes me sound like such a wishy-washy punk. i am a wishy-washy punk, i suppose (surprisingly better, actually).) they shafted me a while ago (long story), but i will still tell people i once worked for them.

i told mum that i have a livejournal. "isn't that dangerous?" is how she replied. i told her it was dangerous to live and totally floored her. i enjoy this summer. this has been the sumemr of realization for me. i have explored many of my facets. i have experienced a lot of the world. my livejournal may not reflect exactly what i have seen and done, but i don't care.

"i don't care" is one thing i have gotten out of this summer. pienso que este verano might stomp all over praha, marakesh, y lisbon. the school year sucked, but school it out for the summer. i sound like i am remembering the present.

if there is a god, i hope he/she/it can help me.
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